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  • Coagulants and Hemostatics
    32 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    partial basket chart

    Human Coagulation Factor VIII (rDNA). Octocog Alfa 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU.
    VIAL: 1 x 250, 500, and 1000 IU (+ 5 ml
    solv. dev. for reconst.). Dosage must be
    ajust. individ.
    Tmt. and prophylax. of bleed. in pts. with
    Haemophilia A.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active subst., to
    any of the excip. or to mouse or hamster

    Antihemophillic Factor (Human), Hemofil M, Method M, Monoclonal Purified
    full basket chart
    Antihemophillic Factor (Human), Hemofil M, Method M, Monoclonal Purified

    Antihemophilic Factor VIII 220 - 1700 IU.
    INFUS: (Dry pwdr): 10 ml. See lit.
    Hemophil. A (classical hemophil.) for
    prevent and control of hemorrhag.
    episodes. Not indicat. in von Willebrand’s

    partial basket chart

    Blood Coagulant. Coagulation factor IX recombinant - Rfix 250, 500, 1000, 2000 IU.
    VIAL (lyophilized pwdr. for injec.): 1×
    250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU.
    IV use only after reconst., dosage must
    be adjust. individ. for each pt. See lit.
    Control/prevent. of hemorrh. epis. in pts
    with hemoph. B (cong. factor IX defic./
    Christmas dis.), incl. control/prevent. of
    bleed. in surg. settings, in prev. treat. pts /
    prev. untreat. pts. Not indicat. for the tmt
    of other factor defic. (e.g. factors II,VII,
    and X), nor for the tmt of hemoph. A, pts
    with inh. to factor VIII, nor for the revers.
    of coumarin-ind. anticoagul., nor for the
    tmt of bleed. due to low levels of liverdepend. coagul. factors.
    C/I: Pts with manifest. life-threat.,
    immed. hypersensitivity react., incl.
    anaphylaxis, to the product/compon.,
    incl. hamster protein.

    Beriplex 250 IU
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Beriplex 250 IU

    Blood Coagulation Factor. Human Coagulation Factor II 200 – 480, Human Coagulation Factor VII 100 – 250, Human Coagulation Factor IX 200 – 310, Human Coagulation Factor X 220 – 600, Protein C 150 – 450, Protein S 120 – 380.
    VIAL: 1 + diluent. I.V. inject. Amount,
    freq. as per individ. pt. basis. See lit.
    Tmt., periop. prophylax. bleed. in
    acquired defic. prothrombin complex
    coagulat. factors, e.g., defic. due to tmt.
    vit. K antagonists, or overdose of vit. K
    antagonists, when rapid correct. of the
    defic. required.

    Beriplex 500 IU
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Beriplex 500 IU

    Blood Coagulation Factor. Human Coagulation Factor II 400 – 960, Human Coagulation Factor VII 200 – 500, Human Coagulation Factor IX 400 – 620, Human Coagulation Factor X 440 – 1200, Protein C 300 – 900, Protein S 240 – 760.
    VIAL: 1 + diluent. I.V. inject. Amount,
    freq. as per individ. pt. basis. See lit.
    Tmt., periop. prophylax. bleed. in
    acquired defic. prothrombin complex
    coagulat. factors, e.g., defic. due to tmt.
    vit. K antagonists, or overdose of vit. K
    antagonists, when rapid correct. of the
    defic. required.

    Fanhdi® 25 I.U./ml, 50 I.U./ml and 100 I.U./ml (Factor VIII)
    full basket chart
    Fanhdi® 25 I.U./ml, 50 I.U./ml and 100 I.U./ml (Factor VIII)

    Human Coagulation Factor VIII 25, 50, 100 IU/ml.
    VIAL: 1 x 250 IU, 500 IU, 1,000 IU (+ 10 ml
    solv. in prefill. syringe). Adjust dose and
    durat. accord. to pts needs.
    Prevent. and control bleed. in mod. or
    severe Factor VIII defic., due to classic.
    hemophil. A. Not effect. in control. bleed.
    Von Willebrand’s dis.
    C/I: Allergic. reacts. to constits.

    Other therapeutic systems under Cardiovascular System