All the Drug Class Drugs
Blood Coagulation Factor. Human Coagulation Factor II 200 – 480, Human Coagulation Factor VII 100 – 250, Human Coagulation Factor IX 200 – 310, Human Coagulation Factor X 220 – 600, Protein C 150 – 450, Protein S 120 – 380. VIAL: 1 + diluent. I.V. inject. Amount,
freq. as per individ. pt. basis. See lit.
Tmt., periop. prophylax. bleed. in
acquired defic. prothrombin complex
coagulat. factors, e.g., defic. due to tmt.
vit. K antagonists, or overdose of vit. K
antagonists, when rapid correct. of the
defic. required.
Blood Coagulation Factor. Human Coagulation Factor II 400 – 960, Human Coagulation Factor VII 200 – 500, Human Coagulation Factor IX 400 – 620, Human Coagulation Factor X 440 – 1200, Protein C 300 – 900, Protein S 240 – 760. VIAL: 1 + diluent. I.V. inject. Amount,
freq. as per individ. pt. basis. See lit.
Tmt., periop. prophylax. bleed. in
acquired defic. prothrombin complex
coagulat. factors, e.g., defic. due to tmt.
vit. K antagonists, or overdose of vit. K
antagonists, when rapid correct. of the
defic. required.
Blood Coagulation Factor. Factor XIII 200 - 320 IU, 1250 IU. VIALS: 1 x 250 IU, 1,250 IU/vial. See lit.
For I.V. only.
Congen. or acq. defic. factor VIII, or to
promote heal. wounds, bone fract. Congen.
defic. factor XIII and result. hemorrh.