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    Abacavir Lamivudine Taro
    Taro International Ltd
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Abacavir Lamivudine Taro

    : Nucleoside & Guanosine Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Lamivudine 300 mg, Abacavir 600 mg.
    TABS.:30. The recomm. dosage for adult.& child. over the age of 12 wt. at least 40 kg, is one tab., once dly. See lit.
    Indicated in antiretrovir. comb. ther. for the tmt. of (HIV) infect. in adult., adolesc. and child. weigh. at least 25 kg.
    C/I: Hypersens.


    partial basket chart

    Cannabinoids, Specific Immunoglobulin. Palvizumab 50 mg, 100 mg.
    VIAL(PWDR) + DILUENT: 1 X 50 mg+ 4 ml
    diluent, 100 mg + 10 ml diluent.
    15 mg/kg by I.M. inject. 1 x mthly
    during course of RSV season. See lit.
    Preven. of serious lower resp. tract dis.
    requir. hospitalis. caused by RSV in child.
    at high risk for RSV dis.:
    Child. born at 35 wks. of gestation or less
    and less than 6 mths. of age at the onset
    of the RSV season. Child. less than 2 yrs. of age and requir.
    tmt. for bronchopulm. dysplasia within
    the last 6 mths.
    Children less than 2 yrs. of age and with
    haemodyn. signif.congen. heart dis.
    C/I: Hypersens. to palvizumab or any
    compon. of formula, or other humanized
    monoclonal antibodies.

    Abilify Maintena
    partial basket chart
    Abilify Maintena

    Atypical Antipsychotic. Aripiprazole (as monohydrate) 300 mg, 400 mg.
    PRE-FILLED SYR. (pwdr.+ solvent for prolong. -release susp.): 1,3. Recom. init. & mainten. dose: 400 mg. once mnthly. as a single inj. (no sooner than 26 d after the previous inj.). After the 1st inj., tmt. with 10 mg-20 mg oral aripiprazole should be cont. for 14 consec. days to maintain therapeutic aripiprazole concent. during init. of ther. See lit.
    Maintenan. tmt. of schizophrenia in adult pts. stabilised with oral aripiprazole.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Abiplatin 1 mg/ml
    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    partial basket chart
    Abiplatin 1 mg/ml

    Alkylating Agent (platinum analog). Cisplatin 1 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 1 x 100 ml, 50 ml. See lit.
    Palliative in add. to other modalities
    tmt. metastat. testic. and ovar. cancer,
    advanced bladder cancer.

    Abiraterone Teva
    partial basket chart
    Abiraterone Teva

    Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibitor. Abiraterone Acetate 250 mg , 500 mg.
    TABS.: 250 mg x 120 , 500 mg x 60.
    Intended  for male pts. only. 1,000 mg (4×250mg tabs. or 2x500mg tabs.) once dly.
     1. in combin. with prednisone for metast. castrat.-resist. prostate cancer.
    2. For newly diag. high risk metast. hne. sensit. prostate cancer (mHSPC) in adlt. men in combinat. with androgen depriv. ther.
    (ADT) and in combin. with prednisone.
      Hypersens./ by pregn. females or who may be potent. pregn../sev. hepat. impairm./ in combin. with Ra-223 if given with prednisone.

    Abitren 50, 100
    full basket chart
    Abitren 50, 100

    NSAID. Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg.
    SUPPS: 10. 2 supps. at night.
    Rheumat. arthr., osteoarthr., low back pain,
    other acute musculosk. disord. such as
    periarthr., tendin., tenosynov., bursitis,
    sprains, strains, dislocation, ankyl.
    spondylitis, acute gout. Control of pain/
    inflamm. in orthopedic, dental, and other
    minor surgery.
    S.R. TABS: 20. 1 tab. dly.
    Rheum. arthrit., other rheum. conds.

    C/I: Hypersens. to the product. Active
    gastr./ intest. ulcer, bleeding or perfor.
    Active/ history of recur. peptic ulcer/
    haemorrhage (>=2 distinct epis. of
    proven ulcer./ bleeding). History of GI
    bleeding/perfor., relating to prev. NSAID
    tmt. Last trimester of pregn. Sev. hepatic
    and renal failure. Establ. CHF (NYHA class
    II-IV), isch. heart dis., periph. arter. dis.,
    cerebrovasc. dis. Pts. in whom aspirin or
    other NSAIDs have induc. sympt. of
    asthma, acute rhinitis precipit. by
    ibuprofen, urticaria, nasal polyps,
    angioedema, bronchospasm, other
    sympt. of allergic react. (anaphyl. react.
    have occur. in such pts). Pts with sev.
    heart failure. Tmt of peri-operative pain
    in CABG surg.