All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Cannabinoids, Specific Immunoglobulin. Palvizumab 50 mg, 100 mg. VIAL(PWDR) + DILUENT: 1 X 50 mg+ 4 ml
diluent, 100 mg + 10 ml diluent.
15 mg/kg by I.M. inject. 1 x mthly
during course of RSV season. See lit.
Preven. of serious lower resp. tract dis.
requir. hospitalis. caused by RSV in child.
at high risk for RSV dis.:
Child. born at 35 wks. of gestation or less
and less than 6 mths. of age at the onset
of the RSV season. Child. less than 2 yrs. of age and requir.
tmt. for bronchopulm. dysplasia within
the last 6 mths.
Children less than 2 yrs. of age and with
haemodyn. signif.congen. heart dis.
C/I: Hypersens. to palvizumab or any
compon. of formula, or other humanized
monoclonal antibodies.