All the Active Ingredient Drugs
: Nucleoside & Guanosine Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Lamivudine 300 mg, Abacavir 600 mg. TABS.:30. The recomm. dosage for adult.& child. over the age of 12 wt. at least 40 kg, is one tab., once dly. See lit.
Indicated in antiretrovir. comb. ther. for the tmt. of (HIV) infect. in adult., adolesc. and child. weigh. at least 25 kg.
C/I: Hypersens.
Nuclease Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Lamivudine 10 mg/ml. ORAL SOL.: 240 ml x 10 mg/ml. Adult., adolesc., child. (wt. at least 25 kg): 300 mg dly. 150 mg (15 ml) ×2/d or 300 mg (30 ml) ×1/d.
Child. (wt. <25 kg): Child. from 1 yr. of age: 0.5 mL/kg (5 mg/kg) ×2/d, or 1 mL/kg (10 mg/kg) once daily.
Child. <3 mnths. of age- to 1 yr. of age: 0.5 mL/kg (5 mg/kg) ×2/d. If a twice dly. regimen is not feasible, a once dly. regimen (10 mg/kg/day) could be consid. It should be taken into account that data for the once dly. regimen are very limited in this populat.
Child. <3 mnths. of age: The limited data available are insuffic. to propose specific dosage recomm. See lit.
Antiretroviral combination tmt. of HIV
C/I: Hypersens.
Nuclease Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Lamivudine 150 mg, 300 mg. F.C. TABS: 60 x 150 mg, 30 x 300 mg.
Adults, adolesc. & child. (weigh. at least 25 kg): 300 mg dly. This may be admin. as either 150 mg ×2/d or 300 mg ×1/d.
The 300 mg tab. is only suitab. for the once a day regimen.
Child. (weigh. less than 25 kg): Dosing accord. to weight bands is recomm. for tabs.
Child. wt. ≥ 20 kg to <25 kg: The recomm. dose is 225 mg dly. This may be admin. as either 75 mg (1/2 tab. of a 150 mg tab.) taken in the morn. and 150 mg (one whole 150 mg tab.) taken in the eve., or 225 mg (one and a half 150 mg tabs.) taken once dly.
Child. wt. 14 to < 20 kg: 150 mg dly. This may be admin. as 75 mg (one-half of a 150 mg tablet) taken twice dly., or 150 mg (one 150 mg tab.) taken once dly. See lit.
Antiretroviral combination tmt. of HIV
C/I: Hypersens.
Nucleoside and Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Abacavir 600 mg, Lamivudine 300 mg. The recommend. dose for Adult. and child. >12 weigh. at least 40 kg, is1 tab×1/d. See lit. Tmt. of HIV infec. in adult. and in child. over the age of 12 yrs.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antivirals for Treatment of HIV Infections, Combinations. Abacavir (as sulfate) 600 mg, Lamivudine 300 mg, Dolutegravir (as sodium) 50 mg. F.C. TAB: 30. 1 tab x 1 dly. Renal impairm.:
not recom. in pts. with CLcr < 50 ml/
min. Hepatic impairm.: see lit.
Treat. of HIV infec. Adults and adolesc.
above 12 yrs weigh. at least 40 kg.
C/I: Hypersens. to dolutegravir, abacavir
or lamivudine or to any of the excip.
Co-administ. with dofetilide.
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor. Abacavir (as sulfate) 300 mg, Lamivudine 150 mg, Zidovudine 300 mg. F.C. TABS: 60. 1 tab 2 x dly with or
without food. Start tmt. with the 3
components separately for first 6-8
wks then transfer to fixed comb. Child.
under 18 yrs not recommend.
Tmt. of HIV infect. in adults.
C/I: Hypersens., espec. hypersensitivity
reactions, end-stage renal dis.;
neutrophil count < 0.75 x 10^9/l or
Hg. levels < 7.5g/dl or 4.65 mmol/l.