All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Antihemophillic Factor (Human), Hemofil M, Method M, Monoclonal Purified
Antihemophillic Factor (Human), Hemofil M, Method M, Monoclonal Purified
Antihemophilic Factor VIII 220 - 1700 IU. INFUS: (Dry pwdr): 10 ml. See lit.
Hemophil. A (classical hemophil.) for
prevent and control of hemorrhag.
episodes. Not indicat. in von Willebrand’s
Koate DVI
Koate DVI
Antihemophil. Antihemophilic Factor VIII 250, 500, 1000 IU. VIALS: 250, 500, 1,000 IU. See lit.
Tmt. of hemophil. A.