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  • Reactants on Vascular System
    10 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    partial basket chart

    Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator. Riociguat 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 mg.
    F.C. TABS.: 42×0.5mg, 1mg, 1.5mg, 42, 84×2mg, 84×2.5mg. The recomm. start. dose is 1 mg×3/d for 2 wks. approx. 6 to 8 hrs. apart. incr. by 0.5 mg×3/d every two wks. to a max. of 2.5 ×3/d, if systole. blood press. is ≥95 mmHg and the pt. has no signs or sympt. of hypotens.
    Maint.dose The max. total dly. dose is 7.5 mg i.e., 2.5 mg ×3/d. If a dose is missed, tmt. should be cont. with the next dose as planned. See lit.
    CTEPH, Pts. with WHO Funct. class II to III: Inoperable CTEPH, Persist./ recur. CTEPH after surg. tmt., to improve exercise capacity. PAH: as monother. /combination with endothelin receptor antag., tmt. of adult pts. with PAH with WHO Funct. class II to III to improve exercise capacity. Effic.has been shown in a PAH population including aetiologies of idiopathic or heritable PAH or PAH assoc. with connect. tissue dis.
    C/I: Hypersens. Co-adm. with PDE 5 inhib. (e.g sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil). Sev. hep. impair. (Child Pugh C). Co-adm. with nitrates or nitric oxide donors (e.g. amyl nitrite) in any form. Pts. with systolic
    blood pressure < 95 mm Hg at tmt. init.

    partial basket chart

    Hyaluronidase 1,500 IU/dose.
    AMPS: 10, 100. See lit.
    Enhance. permeat. S.C. or I.M. inject.,
    local anesthet., S.C. infus., promot.
    resorpt. excess fluids and blood in tissues.
    C/I: Hypersens., unexplain. prem. labour,
    reduct. swelling of bites, stings, sites
    where infect. or malign. present.

    partial basket chart

    Prostaglandin. Iloprost 0.1 mg/ml.
    AMPS (Conc. sol. for infus.): 0.5 ml.
    See lit.
    Periph. art. occlus. dis. (stage III and IV)
    in adv. arterioscler., diabet. angiopath.,
    thromboangit. obliterans (Buerger’s dis.),
    Raynaud’s syndr.
    C/I: Pregn., lact., hypersens. to compon.,
    where effect of drug on platelets might
    incr. risk of hemorrh., (e.g., active pept.
    ulc., trauma, intracran. hemorrh.), severe
    coron. heart dis., unstable ang., M.I.
    within last 6 mths., acute or chron.
    congest. heart fail., severe arrhyth.
    suspect. pulm. congest.

    not in the basket chart

    Sympathomimetic. Norepinephrine Bitartrate 1 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 4 ml x 1 mg/ml. See lit.
    BP control in certain acute hypotens.
    states, adjuv. in card. arrest, profound
    C/I: Hypotens. caused by blood vol.
    deficits, messenteric or periph. vasc.
    thromb., during cyclopropane or
    halothane anesth. See lit.

    Noradrenaline Sintetica 4 mg/4 ml
    not in the basket chart
    Noradrenaline Sintetica 4 mg/4 ml

    Sympathomimetic. Norepinephrine Bitartrate 1 mg/ml.
    Sol. for inf.10X4ml: See lit.
    Blood press. ctrol in certain ac. hypotens. states (e.g., pheochromocytomectomy, sympathectomy, poliomyel., spinal anesth., myocard. infarct., septicemia, blood transf., and drug react.).
    As an adj. in the tmt. of card. arrest and prof. hypotens..
    C/I: hypersens./
    pts. hypotens. from blood vol. deficits except as an emerg. meas. to maintain coron. and cerebr. artery perfus. until blood vol. replac. ther. can be compl./
    pts. with mesent. or periph. vasc. thromb. unless as a life-saving proced./
    during cyclopropane and halothane anesth. /
    pts. with prof. hypoxia or hypercarbia.

    Other therapeutic systems under Cardiovascular System