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  • Sympathomimetic
    28 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    full basket chart

    Sympathomimetic. Adrenaline 1 mg/1 ml.
    AMP: 1 ml x 25 amp. See lit.
    Relief respirat. distress due to
    bronchospasm. Rapid relief hypersens.
    react. drugs/other allergens. Prolongat.
    action infiltrat. anesthet. May be of value
    in restor. cardiac rhythm in cardiac arrest.
    Not to be used in cardiac fail./hemorrh.
    traum./cardiogen. shock. Tmt. mucosal
    congest. of hay fever rhinit./acute sinusit.
    Relief bronch. asthm. paroxysms.
    Symptomat. relief serum sickness
    urticaria/angioneurot. edema. Openangle
    glaucoma. Relaxat. uterine
    musculature, inhibit. uterine contractions.
    Hemostat. agent in syncope due to
    complete heart block/carotid sinus
    hypersens., resuscitat. in cardiac arrest
    follow. anesthet. accidents.

    Adrenaline Sintetica 1 mg/ml
    not in the basket chart
    Adrenaline Sintetica 1 mg/ml

    Sympathomimetic. Epinephrine 1 mg/ml.
    Sol. for inj.10X1 ml. See lit.
    Spasm of the airways in ac. asthma attacks.
    • Rapid relief of allerg. react.
    • Emerg. tmt. of anaphyl. shock.
    • Cardiac arrest and cardiopulm. resuscit. (phys. meas. to be used first).
    C/I: Hypersens.
    cardiac insuff., cardiac dilat., coronary insuff. and in most pts. with cardiac arrhyttm.
    hyperthyr. and serious hypertens.
    pts. with phaeochromocytoma
    pts.with organic brain damage, such as cerebral arterioscler., pts. with angle-closure glaucoma.
    pts. undergoing anaesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons (chloroform, trichloroethylene) or cyclopropane.
    during last month of pregn. and dur. labour.

    Af Tipa
    not in the basket chart
    Af Tipa

    Sympathomimetic. Oxymetazoline HCl 0.05%.
    NASAL SPRAY: 30 ml. Spray 2-3 x
    into ea. nostril 2 x dly. Not for child
    under 6 yrs.
    Relief nasal congest.

    full basket chart

    Sympathomimetic. Xylometazoline HCl 0.1%.
    NASAL DROPS: 10 ml. Adult and child
    over 12 yrs: 2-3 drops every 8-10 hrs.
    SPRAY: 10 ml. Adult and child over 12
    yrs: 2-3 squirts every 8-10 hrs.
    Rapid relief nasal congest. up to 10 hrs.

    Af-Care Children
    full basket chart
    Af-Care Children

    Sympathomimetic. Xylometazoline HCl 0.05%.
    NASAL DROPS: 10 ml. Child: 2-12 yrs:
    2-3 drops every 8-10 hrs.
    NASAL SPRAY: 10 ml. Child: 2-12 yrs: 1
    squirt every 8-10 hrs.
    Rapid relief nasal congest. up to 10 hrs.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Antihistamine, Sympathomimetic. Mepyramine Maleate 0.5%, Naphazoline (HCl) 0.05%, Phenylephrine HCl 0.25%.
    NASAL DROPS: 10 ml. 2 dr. in each
    nostril every 3-6 hrs. dly.
    NASAL SPRAY: 10 ml. 2 sprays in each
    nostril every 3-6 hrs. dly.
    Do not use for more than 3-5 consecut.
    Relief nasal congest. due to common
    cold, rhinit., sinusit., hay fever, upper
    respir. allergies.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the act.ingred..