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  • Prostaglandin
    10 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Bimatilol Teva
    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Bimatilol Teva

    Prostaglandin, β Blocker. Bimatoprost 0.3 mg/ml, Timolol Maleate 5 mg/ml.
    BOTTLE: 3 ml. 1 dr.×1/d, in the morn. or in the eve., in each eye that requires tmt.
    Reduction of intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension who are insufficiently responsive to topical beta-blockers or prostaglandin analogues.
    C/I: Hypersens. to bimatoprost, timolol, beta block. Pts. with respirat. disord. such as asthma or severe COPD. Patients with cardiac disorders such as bradycardia, heart block or heart failure. Lact.

    not in the basket chart

    Prostaglandin. Alprostadil 10 mcg, 20 mcg.
    VIAL: 1 x 10 μg, 20 μg sterile pwd. + 1 ml
    diluent (in a prefilled syringe). Direct
    intracavernosal inject. See lit.
    Erectile dysfunct., adjunct. to diagn.
    erectile dysfunct.
    C/I: Hypersens., pts. with predispos. to

    Flolan Infusion Of Epoprestenol 500 mcg, 1500 mcg
    partial basket chart
    Flolan Infusion Of Epoprestenol 500 mcg, 1500 mcg

    Prostaglandin. Epoprostenol (as sodium) 0.5 mg, 1.5 mg.
    VIAL (freeze-dried pwdr.): 1 + 1 sterile
    diluent. See lit.
    Long-term I.V. tmt. prim. pulm.
    hypertens. in NYHA class III and IV.

    partial basket chart

    Prostaglandin. Iloprost 0.1 mg/ml.
    AMPS (Conc. sol. for infus.): 0.5 ml.
    See lit.
    Periph. art. occlus. dis. (stage III and IV)
    in adv. arterioscler., diabet. angiopath.,
    thromboangit. obliterans (Buerger’s dis.),
    Raynaud’s syndr.
    C/I: Pregn., lact., hypersens. to compon.,
    where effect of drug on platelets might
    incr. risk of hemorrh., (e.g., active pept.
    ulc., trauma, intracran. hemorrh.), severe
    coron. heart dis., unstable ang., M.I.
    within last 6 mths., acute or chron.
    congest. heart fail., severe arrhyth.
    suspect. pulm. congest.

    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart

    Prostaglandin. Dinoprostone 10 mg.
    S.R. VAG. PESS. (with retrieval system): 5.
    Releases 0.3 mg/hr. 1 insert positioned
    behind post vag. fornix. If ripening
    within 12 hrs., remove. No more than 2
    consecutive inserts.
    Initiat. and/or continuat. of cervical
    ripening in patients at term, from 37th
    week of gestation, with bishop score of 6
    or less.

    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Gel
    partial basket chart
    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Gel

    Prostaglandin. Dinoprostone 1 mg / 3 g.
    VAG. GEL: 3 g x 1 mg, 2 mg. Initial: 1 mg. The pt. should remain in supine pos. for at least 30 min. Aft 6 hrs: A second dose of 1 mg or 2 mg, if necessary.
    Therapeutic termination of pregnancy, missed abortion.
    C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with hypersens. to prostaglandins. Pts. in whom oxytocic drugs are generally contra-indicated or where prolong. contractions of the uterus are consid. inappropriate such as: Cases with a history of Caesarean sec. or major uterin. surg.; Cases where there is evidence of a potent. for obstruct. labour.
    In pts. with a past history of, or existing, pelvic inflamm. dis., unless adequate prior tmt. has been instituted.
    Pts. with active cardiac, pulmon., renal or hep.dis.