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    8 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    Adrenaline Sintetica 1 mg/ml
    not in the basket chart
    Adrenaline Sintetica 1 mg/ml

    Sympathomimetic. Epinephrine 1 mg/ml.
    Sol. for inj.10X1 ml. See lit.
    Spasm of the airways in ac. asthma attacks.
    • Rapid relief of allerg. react.
    • Emerg. tmt. of anaphyl. shock.
    • Cardiac arrest and cardiopulm. resuscit. (phys. meas. to be used first).
    C/I: Hypersens.
    cardiac insuff., cardiac dilat., coronary insuff. and in most pts. with cardiac arrhyttm.
    hyperthyr. and serious hypertens.
    pts. with phaeochromocytoma
    pts.with organic brain damage, such as cerebral arterioscler., pts. with angle-closure glaucoma.
    pts. undergoing anaesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons (chloroform, trichloroethylene) or cyclopropane.
    during last month of pregn. and dur. labour.

    Ephedrin Sintetica 50 mg/ml
    Biomed - JR
    full basket chart
    Ephedrin Sintetica 50 mg/ml

    Sympathomimetic. Ephedrine hydrochloride 50 mg/ml.
    Sol. for inj. 10 X1 ml. Adlts: 5-25 mg IV., administer. slowly. It is recommend. that this prod. be administ. in divided doses of 5-10 mg until the blood press. normalizes. Max. daily dose 150 mg/24h. It can also be administ. SC or IM. The dose is 25-50 mg (range 10-50 mg). If necess., a sec. dose of 50 mg may be admin. IM or 10-25 mg administered IV. Childr.: recommen. ped. dose is 3 mg/kg per day (750 micrograms/kg per dose) or 100 mg/m2 per day (25 mg/m2 per dose) in 4-6 doses per day, admin. SC or IV.
    The bolus IV dose for hypotens. is 0.1-0.3 mg/kg.
    When administ. IV, the inject. should be given slowly.

    Prevent. and tmt. of hypotension from spinal or epid. anaesth. and during gral. anaesth., with or without a reduct. in  heart rate, administ. for a surg. or obst. proced.
     C/I: · Hypersens. · Hyperexcitability, phaeochromocytoma, arteriosclerosis and aneurism.
    · Combinat. with phenylpropanolamine, phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine, methylphenidate (other indir. sympathomimetics).
    · In pts. who are undergoing or have undergone tmt. with MAO inhibit. within the last 2 weeks as it may cause sev., possibly fatal, hypertens.

    Ephedrine HCl Sterop 50mg/1ml
    Raz Pharmaceutics
    full basket chart
    Ephedrine HCl Sterop 50mg/1ml

    Sympathomimetic. Ephedrine hydrochloride 50 mg/ml.
    Amp. 5/10/100 X 50 mg/ml
    Adj. dosage depend. on the cardiovasc. and hemodyn. parameters. For guid. purposes only: adults and adolesc.: 5-25 mg I.V., admin. slowly. It is recomm. that the prod. be admin. in div. doses of 5-10 mg until the blood press. normalizes. Max. daily dose - 150 mg.
    Can also be admin. S.C. or I.M. The dose is 25-50 mg (range 10-50 mg). If necess., a sec. dose of 50 mg may be admin. I.M., or 10-25 mg admin. I.V.
    Childr.: recomm. dose is 3 mg/kg per day (750 microgram/kg per dose) or 100 mg/m² per day (25mg/m2 per dose) div.  in 4-6 doses, admin. S.C. or I.V.
    The bolus I.V. dose for hypotens. is 0.1-0.3 mg/kg.
    When admin.IV, the inject. should be given slowly.

    Prevent. and tmt of hypotens. from spinal or epid. anesth. and during gral. anesth., with or without reduct. in the heart rate, admin. for a surg. or obstet. proced.
    C/I: * Hypersens.
    * Hyperexcitab., pheochromocytoma, arterioscl. and aneurism.
    * Combin. with phenylpropanolamine, phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine, methylphenidate (other indirect sympathomimetics).
    Admin. of this drug to pts. who are undergoing or have undergone tmt. with MAO inhibib. within the last 2 weeks is contraindic. as the combin. may cause sev., possibly fatal, hypertens.

    Losarta Plus
    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Losarta Plus

    Angiotensin II Antagonist, Thiazide. Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg, Losartan Potassium 50 mg.
    TABS: 30. Admin. with/out food, may
    admin. with other antihypertensives.
    Hypertens: Initial: 1 tab 1 x dly. Max: 2
    tabs 1 x dly. Effect within 3 wks. No
    adjust. elderly pts. Reduct. stroke risk
    in hypertens. pts with left ventric.
    hypertrophy: Initial: 1 tab 1 x dly. If
    goal BP not reached, incr. to 2 tabs 1 x
    Tmt. hypertens., for pts. in whom comb.
    ther. is appropr. Reduce risk of stroke in pts.
    with hypertens. and left ventric.
    C/I: Known hypersens., also to
    sulfonamide-derivs, pts with anuria,
    pregn 2nd, 3rd trimests.

    Noradrenaline Sintetica 4 mg/4 ml
    not in the basket chart
    Noradrenaline Sintetica 4 mg/4 ml

    Sympathomimetic. Norepinephrine Bitartrate 1 mg/ml.
    Sol. for inf.10X4ml: See lit.
    Blood press. ctrol in certain ac. hypotens. states (e.g., pheochromocytomectomy, sympathectomy, poliomyel., spinal anesth., myocard. infarct., septicemia, blood transf., and drug react.).
    As an adj. in the tmt. of card. arrest and prof. hypotens..
    C/I: hypersens./
    pts. hypotens. from blood vol. deficits except as an emerg. meas. to maintain coron. and cerebr. artery perfus. until blood vol. replac. ther. can be compl./
    pts. with mesent. or periph. vasc. thromb. unless as a life-saving proced./
    during cyclopropane and halothane anesth. /
    pts. with prof. hypoxia or hypercarbia.

    Oxopurin 400
    full basket chart
    Oxopurin 400

    Blood Viscosity Reducer. Pentoxifylline 400 mg.
    CAPLETS: 50,100. 1 caplet 2-3 x dly. with
    plenty of fluids with or immediately
    after a meal. See lit.
    Tmt. disords. arterial and venous circ.
    C/I: Pregn., Hypersens. to pentoxifylline
    or other methylxanthines. Cardiac
    disord., recent MI, severe arrhythmia,
    stomach or GI ulc., hemorrhage or cerebral hemorr. (includ. stroke
    accompanied by cerebral bleed. ), retinal
    hemorr. See lit.

    Other therapeutic systems under Cardiovascular System