All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Human Coagulation Factor VIII 25, 50, 100 IU/ml. VIAL: 1 x 250 IU, 500 IU, 1,000 IU (+ 10 ml
solv. in prefill. syringe). Adjust dose and
durat. accord. to pts needs.
Prevent. and control bleed. in mod. or
severe Factor VIII defic., due to classic.
hemophil. A. Not effect. in control. bleed.
Von Willebrand’s dis.
C/I: Allergic. reacts. to constits.
Blood Coagulant. Human Coagulation Factor VIII 250, 500, 1000 IU, Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) 600, 1200, 2400 IU. VIALS: 1. See lit.
Congen./acq. defic. blood clott. factor VII:
Severe or mod. hemophilia, proph.
during surg., von Willebrands dis.
Blood Coagulant. Human Coagulation Factor VIII 250, 500, 1000 IU / vial. PWDR (I.V. INJECT.): 1+ solvent. See lit.
Tmt. and proph. bleed. in hemophil. A
(congen. factor VIII defic.) with acq. factor
VIII defic.
Blood Coagulant. Human Coagulation Factor VIII 500 IU, 1000 IU. VIAL (pwdr. for sol. for inject.) + prefilled
syringe or vials cont. 2.5 ml diluent for
reconst.) 1 x 250 IU, 500 IU, 1,000 IU. See
Tmt. classical hemophil. (A) in defic.
plasma clotting factor FVIII.
C/I: Hypersens. to constits., includ.
mouse/hamster protein.
Antihemorrhagics. Human Coagulation Factor VIII 250, 500, 1000, 2000 IU. VIAL (pwdr. & solvent for sol. for inj.): 1× 250,500,1000,2000 IU. The dose & duration of the substitute. ther. depend on the sever. of the factor VIII defic., on the loca. and extent of the bleed. and on the pt's. clinical condition. See lit.
Treatment and prophylaxis of bleeding in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency). Kovaltry can be used for all age groups.
C/I: Hypersens. Known allerg. react. to mouse or hamster proteins.
Blood Coagulant. Human Coagulation Factor VIII 1000 IU/VIAL, Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) 2600 IU/VIAL. VIAL ( POWDER FOR SOL. FOR INJECT.): 1X1000 IU + vial of 10 ml water.
I.V. only. Under care of physic. experienced in tmt. hemophil.
Depend. on severity factor VIII defic.,
locat, extent bleed., clinic. cond. See lit.
Tmt., prophyl. bleed. in hemophil A
(congen. factor VIII defic.)
C/I: Hypersens.