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  • Immuno- Suppressants
    17 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Teva Israel LTD, Israel
    partial basket chart

    Calcineurin Inhibitors, Immunosuppressant. Tacrolimus 0.5, 1, 3, 5 mg.
    PR Caps.50 X0.5/1/3/5 mg
    For kidney transpl.: Once dly in the morn., on empty stomach,
    0.20 - 0.30 mg/kg within 24 h from surg. complet. Dose to be adjust. as per clinic. assess. For liver transpl.: Once dly in the morn., on empty stomach, 0.10 - 0.20 mg/kg within 12-18 h from surg. complet. Dose to be adjust. as per clinic. assess.
    Prophylaxis of transpl. reject. in adult kidney or liver allograft recipts.. Tmt. of allograft reject. resist. to tmt. with other immunosuppress. in adult kidney or liver allograft recip. ptts.
    C/I:  Hypersens. incl. other macrolides.

    partial basket chart

    Calcineurin Inhibitors, Immunosuppressant. Tacrolimus 0.5, 1, 3, 5 mg.
    P.R. HARD CAPS.: 30, 50, 100.
    Prophyl. of kidney transplant reject. init.
    0.20 - 0.30 mg/kg/d once dly. in the
    morning. Administ. should init. within 24
    h. after the complet.of surgery.
    Prophyl. of liver transplant reject. : init.
    0.10 - 0.20 mg/kg/day once dly. in the
    morning. Administ. should init. approx.
    12-18 h. after the complet. of surgery
    Dosage must. be ajust. individ. Once
    dly, in the morning, on empty stomach
    (at least 1 h. bef. or 2-3 h after a meal).
    See lit.
    Prophyl. of transplant reject. in adult
    kidney or liver allograft recip. Tmt. of
    allograft reject. resistant to tmt. with
    other immunosuppres. med. in adult
    kidney or liver allograft recip. pts.
    C/I: Hypersens., hypersens. to other

    partial basket chart

    Immunosuppressant. Mycophenolate Mofetil 250 mg, 500 mg.
    CAPS: 100 x 250 mg.
    F.C. TABS: 50 x 500 mg. Dosage must me
    adjust. individ. accord. to indication and pt medic. condit. See lit.
    Concom. use with cyclosporine and
    corticosteroids for proph. of organ reject.
    in pts. receiv. allogen. ren., card. and
    hepat. transplants.
    C/I: Hypersensitivity to mycophenolate
    mofetil /mycophenolic acid. Lact.
    WOCBP who are not using highly
    effective contracept. Mycophenolate
    mofetil tmt. should not be init. in
    WOCBP without providing a preg. test
    result to rule out unintended use in
    preg. Mycophenolate mofetil should not
    be used during preg. unless there is no
    suitable alternative tmt. to prevent
    transplant rejection.

    partial basket chart

    Immunosuppressant. Everolimus 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 mg.
    TABS: 60 x 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 0.75 mg.
    Initial: Gen. kidney and heart
    transplant: 0.75 mg b.i.d. as soon as
    possible aft. transplant in 2 div. doses
    consistently with/out food and at same
    time as cyclosporin for microemuls., to
    be swallowed whole with glass of
    water. May adjust dose at 4-5 day
    intervals. See lit.
    Proph. organ reject. in adult pts at lowmod.
    immunolog. risk receiv. allogeneic
    ren./cardiac transplant, in combinat.
    with cyclosporin for microemuls. and
    corticosteroids. Proph. organ reject. in
    hepat. transplant, in combinat. with
    tacrolimus and corticosteroids.
    C/I: Hypersens. to everolimus, sirolimus
    or any of the excips.
    experienced in immunosuppress. ther.
    See lit.

    Deximune 25, 50, 100 mg
    full basket chart
    Deximune 25, 50, 100 mg

    Immunosuppressant. Cyclosporine 25, 50, 100 mg.
    CAPS: 50 x 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg. 2 div.
    doses dly. See lit.
    Prophylax. organ reject. kidney, liver,
    heart allogenic tranplants in conjunct.
    with corticosteroids. May also be used in
    the tmt. of chron. rejects. in pts previously
    treated with other immunosuppress.
    agents. Bone marrow transplant., endog.
    uveit., severe psoriasis above age 16 that
    does not respond to other tmt. Atopic
    dermatit. in adults only up to 8 wks.,
    severe cases in which convention. ther. is
    ineffect. or inapprop. Severe cases rheum.
    arthrit., when standard tmt. ineffect. or
    inapprop. Nephrot. syndr. type MCD
    (minimal change dis.) when convention.
    ther. failed.
    C/I: Hypersens. Comb. with Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort). Comb. with substrates for the multidrug efflux transporter P-gp or the organ. anion transport. proteins and for which elevat. plasma conc. are assoc. with serious and/or life-threaten. events, e.g. bosentan, dabigatran etexilate, aliskiren.  see lit.

    Imuran 25 mg, 50 mg
    full basket chart
    Imuran 25 mg, 50 mg

    Immunosuppressant. Azathioprine 25 mg, 50 mg.
    F.C. TABS: 10 x 25 mg, 100 x 50 mg. 2-5 mg/kg dly. depend. on cond. and response of pt.
    Renal transplant, rheum. arthrit.
    C/I: Liver damage, history of hepatit.,
    pregn., except in special circumstance.

    Other therapeutic systems under Infections