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  • Vaccines and Immunological Agents
    75 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    not in the basket chart

    Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. RSV F antigen, A+B subgroups 60+60 mcg/ 0.5 ml.
    Powder and solv. for sol. for IM inject. (60+60 mcg/vial) 1/5/10 doses
    A sgle. dose of 0.5 ml to be admin to pregn. women between weeks 24-36  and to persons aged >60. See lit.
    • Pass. protect.against lower respir. tract dis. caused by respir. syncytial virus (RSV) in infants from birth through 6 mo. of age following maternal immunisat. during pregn. • Active immunisat. of 60 years of age and older for the prevent. of lower respir. tract disease caused by RSV.

    full basket chart

    Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg / 0.5 ml.
    VIALS: (pwdr.) 1 + syringe: 0.5 ml. I.M or
    S.C. route. See lit.
    Prevent. in inf. against invas. dis.
    caused by H. influenza type B such as
    meningit., septicem., cellulit., arthrit.,
    C/I: Hypersens., espec. tetanus protein.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Tetanus Toxoid 5 Lf, Diphtheria Toxoid 2 Lf, Pertussis Toxoid 2.5 mcg, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 5 mcg, Pertactin 3 mcg, Fimbriae Types 2+3 5 mcg.
    VIAL: 1, 5 x 0.5 ml. Admin I.M. into
    deltoid musc. See lit.
    Active booster immunizat. against
    diphth., tetanus and pertussis in ages
    4-64 yrs.
    C/I: Known system. hypersens. to any
    compon. vaccine aft. prev. admin.
    Encephalopathy not attributable to
    another identifiable cause within 7 days of admin. prev. dose of any vaccine cont.
    pertussis antigens (whole cell or
    acellular). Progress. neurolog. disords.,
    uncontroll. epilepsy, progress.
    encephalopath. until tmt. regimen
    established. Febrile or acute illness.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Diphtheria Toxoid Not less than 2 IU, Tetanus Immuneglobulin 5 Lf, Pertussis Toxoid 2.5 mcg, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 5 mcg, Fimbriae Types 2+3 5 mcg, Pertactin 3 mcg, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 1 40 D-antigen units, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 2 8 D-antigen units, Poliomyelitis Virus Type 3 32 D-antigen units.
    PRE-FILLED SYRINGES (susp. for inject.):
    1, 10, 20. Starting from age 3, a single
    I.M. 0.5 ml dose, in deltoid muscle,
    applies to all age groups.
    Active booster immunisat. for prevent.
    diphth., tetanus, pertussis and polio,
    from 3 yrs and over.
    C/I: Hypersens., anaphylact./allerg.
    reacts. to similar vaccine,
    encephalopath. of unknown origin
    within 7 days of prev. immunisat. dose
    of any vaccine cont. pertussis antigens
    (whole cell or acellular). Progress.
    neurolog. disords., uncontroll. epilepsy,
    progress. encephalopath. until tmt.
    regimen established. Febrile or acute
    illness. See lit.

    Avaxim 80 U Pediatric
    not in the basket chart
    Avaxim 80 U Pediatric

    Hepatitis A Virus Antigen (Inactivated) 80 U / 0.5 ml.
    SUSP. FOR INJECT. (single dose prefilled
    syringe): 1. Prim. vaccinat: 0.5 ml.
    Booster within 6-8 mths. foll. initial dose.
    I.M. in deltoid. See lit.
    SUSP. FOR INJECT. (multidose vial): 10 x
    0.5 ml. As above
    Active immunizat. against hepatit. A
    virus in child 12 mths-15 yrs (inclus.).
    C/I: Hypersens. to active ingred.,
    neomycin, polysorbate, foll. prev. inject.
    Feber, acute/chron. evolv. dis. See lit.

    Beriglobin P
    partial basket chart
    Beriglobin P

    Immunoglobulins. Human Normal Immunoglobulin 160 mg/ml.
    PFS: 1 x 2 cc, 5 cc. See lit.
    Defic. defect. antibody synth., protracted
    transitory hypogammaglobulem.,
    proph. hepatit. A, measles or attenuat.
    C/I: Severe thrombocytopen., other
    coag. disords., isolated immunoglobulin
    A (IgA) defic.

    Other therapeutic systems under Infections