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  • Haemophilus Influenzae type b
    3 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg / 0.5 ml.
    VIALS: (pwdr.) 1 + syringe: 0.5 ml. I.M or
    S.C. route. See lit.
    Prevent. in inf. against invas. dis.
    caused by H. influenza type B such as
    meningit., septicem., cellulit., arthrit.,
    C/I: Hypersens., espec. tetanus protein.

    Infanrix Hexa
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Infanrix Hexa

    Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid NLT 30 IU/dose, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 mcg/dose, Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg/dose, Hepatitis B Vaccine 10 mcg/dose, Pertactin 8 mcg/dose, Pertussis Toxoid 25 mcg/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 1 40 DU/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 2 8 DU/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 3 32 DU/dose, Tetanus Toxoid NLT 40 IU/dose.
    RECONSTITUTED VACCINE: 1. 3 doses in
    first 6 mths of life start. at 2 mths.
    Booster dose: 2nd year of life. by deep
    I.M. inject. at alt. sites for ea. inject. See
    Active immunizant. from 2 mths. - 7 yrs.
    against diphth., tetanus, pertussis (DTP)
    and Hib.
    C/I: Febrile illness, hypersens. to vaccine,
    acute infect, past neurolog. complicats.
    See lit.

    Infanrix-IPV + Hib
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Infanrix-IPV + Hib

    Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid NLT 30 IU / 0.5 ml, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 mcg / 0.5 ml, Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 1 40 DU / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 2 8 DU / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 3 32 DU / 0.5 ml, Pertactin 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertussis Toxoid 25 mcg / 0.5 ml, Tetanus Toxoid NLT 40 IU / 0.5 ml.
    Prim. vac: 3 doses, in 1st 6 mths. of life
    starting from 2 mths. Interval of at
    least 1 mth betw. subsequent doses. A
    booster dose in 2nd yr. life. All by I.M.
    inject. in anterolateral aspect of thigh.
    Active immunizat. infants from 2 yrs-5
    yrs against diphth., tet. pertussis, polio.,
    and hemophilus influ. type b. Booster
    dose for child. prev. immuniz. with DTD,
    polio and Hib antigen.
    C/I: Febrile illness, hypersens. to vaccine,
    acute infect, past neurolog. complicats.