All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Tetanus Toxoid 5 Lf, Diphtheria Toxoid 2 Lf, Pertussis Toxoid 2.5 mcg, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 5 mcg, Pertactin 3 mcg, Fimbriae Types 2+3 5 mcg. VIAL: 1, 5 x 0.5 ml. Admin I.M. into
deltoid musc. See lit.
Active booster immunizat. against
diphth., tetanus and pertussis in ages
4-64 yrs.
C/I: Known system. hypersens. to any
compon. vaccine aft. prev. admin.
Encephalopathy not attributable to
another identifiable cause within 7 days of admin. prev. dose of any vaccine cont.
pertussis antigens (whole cell or
acellular). Progress. neurolog. disords.,
uncontroll. epilepsy, progress.
encephalopath. until tmt. regimen
established. Febrile or acute illness.
Tetanus Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid 2 IU / 0.5 ml, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertactin 2.5 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertussis Toxoid 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Tetanus Toxoid 20 IU / 0.5 ml. PREFILLED SYRINGE/ SINGLE DOSE VIAL:
1. Deep I.M inject. See lit.
Booster vaccine against diphther.,
tetanus, pertussis from 10 yrs. of age.
C/I: Severe febrile illness, acute infect.,
Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid 2 IU / 0.5 ml, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 1 40 DU / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 2 8 DU / 0.5 ml, Inactivated Poliovirus type 3 32 DU / 0.5 ml, Pertactin 2.5 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertussis Toxoid 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Tetanus Toxoid 20 IU / 0.5 ml. PREFILLED SYRINGE (with stopper, with/
out needle): 1, 10 x 0.5 ml. Single dose,
deep I.M. in deltoid from 4 yrs old.
Repeat vaccinat. against diphth.,
tetanus, polio accord. official
recommends. See lit.
Booster vaccinat. against diphth.,
tetanus, pertussis, polio from 4 yrs old.
Not for primary immunisat.
C/I: Hypersens., also to neomycin,
polymycin, polysorbate 80,
formaldehyde. See lit.
Diphtheria Toxoid ≥2 IU, Tetanus Toxoid ≥20 IU, Aluminium Hydroxide 0.6 mg. PREFILLED SYRINGES: 1, 10 x 0.5 ml.
Routine booster inj: Recomm. a single
dose of 0.5 ml I.M. every 10 years.
Primary vaccinat: 3 successive doses at
monthly intervals. Post-tetanus expos:
See vacc. schedule.
Adults over 18 years for routine booster
vaccinat. against diphtheria, tetanus.
Primary vaccinat. against diphtheria,
tetanus. Post-exposure follow. tetanusprone
wound, if booster inject. reqd.
C/I: Hypersens.
Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid NLT 30 IU, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertactin 8 mcg / 0.5 ml, Pertussis Toxoid 25 mcg / 0.5 ml, Tetanus Toxoid NLT 40 IU. PREFILLED SYRINGES: 1 x 0.5 ml. 0.5 ml
in 3 doses with booster by deep I.M.
during 2nd and 6th yr. of life.
Active prim. immun. against diphth.,
tetanus and pertussis for age 2 mths. Booster (for child. prev. immun., with 3/4 doses of DTPa or DTPw).
C/I: Febrile illness, hypersens. to vaccine,
acute infect, past neurolog. complicats.
Bacterial and Viral Vaccines. Diphtheria Toxoid NLT 30 IU/dose, Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 mcg/dose, Haemophilus Influenzae type b 10 mcg/dose, Hepatitis B Vaccine 10 mcg/dose, Pertactin 8 mcg/dose, Pertussis Toxoid 25 mcg/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 1 40 DU/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 2 8 DU/dose, Inactivated Poliovirus type 3 32 DU/dose, Tetanus Toxoid NLT 40 IU/dose. RECONSTITUTED VACCINE: 1. 3 doses in
first 6 mths of life start. at 2 mths.
Booster dose: 2nd year of life. by deep
I.M. inject. at alt. sites for ea. inject. See
Active immunizant. from 2 mths. - 7 yrs.
against diphth., tetanus, pertussis (DTP)
and Hib.
C/I: Febrile illness, hypersens. to vaccine,
acute infect, past neurolog. complicats.
See lit.