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  • Anxiolytics
    21 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    Benzodiazepine. Alprazolam 0.25, 0.5, 1 mg.
    TABS: 30 x 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg.
    For tmt .of anxiety: The tmt. will usually begin with one tab. of 0.25 mg  or one tablet of 0.5 mg three times per day. Therefore, the dly. dosage is 0.75 mg - 1.5 mg. The dosage may be gradual. incr. (every 3-4 d. the dose may  be incr. by 1 mg) up to a total dly.  dosage of 3 mg, divid. throughout the  day.
    The dosage can be incr.to achieve a max. therap. effect, at intervals of 3-4 days, to a max. dly. dosage  of 4 mg, given in divid. doses. For tmt. of panic: The tmt.  will usually begin with 1 tab. of 0.5 mg ×3/d The dosage can be grad. incr., depend.  on the  response, (every 3-4 days the dose can  be incr. by 1 mg) up to a dly. dosage greater than 4 mg, divided throughout the day. When the dosage needs to be incr., the common practice is to incr. the nighttime  dosage first before incr. the daytime dosage.
    Elderly or pts. suffering from fatigue: Init. 0.25 mg ×2,3/d. This dosage  may be grad. incr.
    Alpralid is intended for short-term use (no
    more than 8-12 wks). See lit.
    Tmt. of sympt. of tension & anxiety, anxiety accompan. by depress. and in panic states with/ without phobia.
    C/I: Hypersens. to alprazolam or other benzodiazep.
    Concom. use with antifungals e.g. ketoconazole, itraconazole.

    full basket chart

    Benzodiazepine. Diazepam 2, 5, 10 mg.
    TABS: 30 x 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg. 2-10 mg
    2-4 dly. Child: 1-2.5 mg 3-4 dly. Can
    grad. incr. as tolerated.
    Tens. and anx. states, muscle spasm,
    insomn., adjuv. in convls. disords.

    Assival Teva 10 mg / 2 ml
    full basket chart
    Assival Teva 10 mg / 2 ml

    Benzodiazepine. Diazepam 10 mg / 2 ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 10 mg/2 ml. See lit.
    Tens. and anx. states, muscle spasm,
    insomn., adjuv. in convls. disords.

    not in the basket chart

    SSRI. Escitalopram (as Oxalate) 10, 15, 20 mg.
    F.C. TABS: 28. Single dly dose with/
    without food. Depress: Usual dose: 10
    mg 1 x dly. Depend. on individ.
    response, dose may be incr. to max. of
    20 mg dly. Panic disords: Initial: 5 mg
    for 1st wk. bef. incr. dose to 10 mg dly.
    Depend on individ. response may incr.
    to max. of 20 mg dly. Elderly (> 65 yrs.):
    1/2 initial dose and lower max. dose.
    See lit.
    Depress., panic disords., gen. anxiety
    disord. (GAD), social anxiety disord. (SAD).
    C/I: Serotonin syndr., child under 18 yrs.,
    lact. See lit.

    Dulox Teva 30 & 60 mg
    partial basket chart
    Dulox Teva 30 & 60 mg

    SNRI. Duloxetine 30 , 60 mg.
    CAPS.:30. For diabet. peripher. neuropath.  pain: The usual dose is 60 mg ×1/d.
    For chron. musculoskel. pain and general. anxiety disord.: For most pts.
    60 mg ×1/d. Some pts. require an init. dose of Dulox Teva 30 mg ×1/d for one wk., and then the usual dose of
    60 mg ×1/d.
    For depression: Most pts. will receive 60 mg ×1/d. Some pts. require an init. dose of Dulox Teva 30 mg ×1/d for one wk., and then the usual dose of 60 mg ×1/d
    Elderly – The init. dose of 30 mg ×1/d for two wks., and only then consider incr. the dose to 60 mg ×1/d.
    Fibromyalgia: The init. dose of Dulox Teva is 30 mg ×1/d  for one wk., and then the usual dose of 60 mg ×1/d. In most cases, the effect of medication ther. with Dulox Teva is noticeab. after 2-4 wks. of tmt.
    See lit.
    Tmt. of major depressive episodes.
    Managem. of neuropath.pain associat. with diabet. peripher. neuropathy.
    Tmt. of generaliz. anxiety disord. (GAD).
    Manag. of fibromyalgia.
    Manag. of chron. muscoskel. pain when other therapies have failed or are
    contraindic. This has been establish. in studies in pts. with chron. low back pain (CLBP) and chron. pain due to osteoarthritis.
    C/I: Hypersens.
    Pts. with hep. dis.
    Pts.  with severe ren. dis..
    Concom. use with MAOI  includ. IV methylene blue and the antibiot.linezolid. MAOI should be discount. 14 d. before init.of the tmt. with duloxetine.
    Initiat. of MAOI should be start. at least 5 d. after discount. of the tmt. with duloxetine.
    Concom. use with thioridazine

    Escitalopram Teva
    not in the basket chart
    Escitalopram Teva

    SSRI. Escitalopram 10 mg, 20 mg.
    SCORED TABS: 30 x 10 mg, 20 mg. Panic disord: Initial: 5 mg dly for 1st wk, bef. incr. to 10 mg dly, up to 20 mg dly, depend. on individ. pt. response. Max. effect aft. approx. 3 mths. Tmt. lasts several mths. GAD: 10 mg 1 x dly. Depend. individ. response, may incr. to max 20 mg dly. Tmt. for 3 mths to consolidate response. Longer-term tmt. of responders may be considered to prevent relapse. SAD: 10 mg 1 x dly for 2-4 wks to obtain sympt. relief. Depend. pt. response, decr. to 5 mg or incr. to max. 20 mg dly. Tmt. for 3 mths to prevent releapse. Long-term tmt. of responders for 6 mths to prevent relapse to be consider. on individ. basis. Tmt. benefits to be re-eval. at reg. intervals. OCD: 10 mg 1 x dly. Depend.
    on individ. pt. response, may be incr. to 20 mg dly. Long-term. tmt. of pts. respond. to 16 wk. open tmt. phase has been studied for at least 24 wks. in pts. receiv. 10 or 20 mg dly. As OCD is a chron. dis., treat for sufficient period to ensure they are sympt. free. This may be several months or longer. Tmt. depress., see sec. 3 (k).
    Tmt. panic disorders, general. anxiety disord. (GAD), social anxiety disord. (SAD, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disord (OCD).
    C/I: Known hypersens., concomit. tmt. with non-select. irreversible MAOI’s, pimozide.

    Other therapeutic systems under Central Nervous System