All the Therapeutic System Drugs
TCA. Amitriptyline 10 mg. FC tab.X 28
Major depress. disord. Tmt. should be init. at low level and incr. grad., noting carefully clinic. resp. and evidence of intolerab. Adlts.: init. 25 mg 2 times/d (50 mg/d). If necessary, can be incr. by 25 mg every other d. up to 150 mg/d 2 doses.
Nocturnal enuresis ped. pop.
• childr. aged 6 to 10: 10 mg – 20 mg/d. A suitable dosage form should be used for this age group.
• childr. aged 11 and above: 25 mg – 50 mg/d. Dose should be incr. grad. To be admin. 1-1½ hours before bedtime.
Relief of symptoms of depress. Endogenous depress. is more likely to be
alleviated than other depress. states.
Enuresis nocturna
C/I: Recent MI. Any degree of heart block or disord. of cardiac rhythm and coron. artery insuff./ Concom. tmt. with MAOIs. Tmt. with amitriptyline may start 14 days after discont. of irrevers. non- select. MAOIs and min. one d. after discont. of the revers. moclobemide. Tmt. with MAOIs may be introd. 14 days after discont. of amitriptyline/Sev. liver dis./Childr. under 12 years of age.
TCA. Clomipramine HCl 25 mg, 75 mg. TABS: 30 x 25 mg. 1 tab. dly. in div.
doses. Severe cases: 75-100 mg dly. in
div. doses.
Depress. varying origin. Child and adolesc.
(0-17 yrs): Not recommend. Obsess.
compuls. disords: Not for child under 5 yrs.
C/I: Not to be used with or within 14
days of tmt. with MAO inhibit., liver
damage, card. or circulat. failure,
hypotens. tendency, glaucoma, urine
Atypical Antipsychotic. Aripiprazole 5, 10, 15, 30 mg. TABS: 28 x 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 30
Take whole w/out meals. Schizophren:
Adult >18 yrs: 10-15 mg dly. Maint. 15
mg dly, max. 30 mg dly. Adolescents
(15 yrs and older): recommend. dose
10 mg dly. Max. dly dose: 30 mg.
Mania: Adult >18 yrs: 15 mg daily, incr.
if necess. to 30 mg dly. Not to exceed
recomm. dose. Irritability
Assoc. with Autistic Dis. (6-17 yrs):
initiate at 2.5 mg/d, dose range 5 – 15
mg dly. See lit.
Tmt. of schizophrenia, tmt. of mod.- severe
manic epis. in Bipolar I disord., prevent. of
a new manic epis. in pts who experienced
predomin. manic epis. whose manic
epis. respond. to aripiprazole tmt. Use as
an adjunct. ther. to antidepress. for tmt. of
major depress. dis. (MDD). Efficacy was
establ. in two 6-week trials in adults with
MDD who had an inadeq. resp. to
antidepr. ther. during the curr. epis. Tmt. of
irritability assoc. with autistic dis. Efficacy
was establ. in two 8-week trials in ped. pts
(aged 6 - 17 yrs) with irritab. assoc. with
autistic dis. (incl. sympt. of aggress.
towards others, delib. self-inj., temper
tantrums, quickly chang. moods).
C/I: Hypersens.
Cannabinoids. THC 0.3, 0.9, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop, CBD 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop. *This product requires a license for medical cannabis.
BOTTLE. (sublingual drop.): 10gr (330 drops). Dosage should be adjust. individual.
The Israel MOH has outlined in Guidance 106 the 12 indicat. for which med. cannabis is indicated. Accord. to this guidance, the 11 indicat. for this product are:
Chemother-induc. nausea and vomit. (CINV)/ chemother induc. pain.
Metastat. cancer pain.
Neuropath. pain.
Spastic. of MS.
Pain in Parkinson's dis.
Cachexia in AIDS.
Tourette's syndr.
Recalcitrant epilep. in adult. (Note: Accord. to Guidance 106, med. cannab. is also indic. for recalcitrant epilep. in ped. pts. but this is not an indicat. for this product)
Palliative care for termin. ill pts.
Post- traum. stress disord.
In general, the use of med. cannabis is indicated in pts. who have adequate. tried and failed convent. ther.
Please refer to Guidance 106 for details.
In addition, for an individ. pt. with a clinical. signific. med. condit. that cannot be adequate. managed by convent. ther. and which is not includ. as one of the 12 approved indicat. (eg autism, fibromyalgia), the physician can appeal to the MOH Committee for Med. Cannabis to ask for approval on an individ. exception. basis.
C/I: Prior, current/ family history (1st degr. relative) of psychos. or schizophr. or schizoaffective disord., a hist. of addict. or substance abuse (include. cannabis use disord.or addict. to alcohol), use in preg.or lact., use in pts. <18 yrs. old, bipol.disord., hypersens. to cannabis, coconut oil, palm kernel oil.
In pts. with hepat. cancer, it is recommend. not to use med. cannab. that contains THC.
See lit.
TCA. Mianserin HCl 30 mg. TABS: 20. 30-90 mg dly.
C/I: Mania.
Antidepressants. Vortioxetine (as Hydrobromide) 5, 10, 15, 20 mg. F.C. TABS.: 7, 14, 28. Start. and recom. dose of 10 mg×1/d adult. <65 yrs. of age. Depend. on individ. response, the dose may be a max. of 20 mg×1/d or decr. to a minim. of 5 mg ×1/d . After the depress. sympt. resolve, tmt. for at least 6 mths. is recomm. for consolidation of the antidepressive response. Elderly: initial 5 mg dly, caution when treat. Pt. with higher than 10 mg doses. Pediatrics: Not recommend. in child. Cyt P450
inhibitors, Cyt P450 inducers: a lower dose of vortioxetine may be considered. Treat. discont. w/o the need for grad. reduc. See lit.
Tmt. of major depressive episodes in adults.
C/I: Hypersens.Concom. use with nonselec. MAOIs or selective MAO-A inhib.