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  • Antipsychotics
    48 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Abilify Maintena
    partial basket chart
    Abilify Maintena

    Atypical Antipsychotic. Aripiprazole (as monohydrate) 300 mg, 400 mg.
    PRE-FILLED SYR. (pwdr.+ solvent for prolong. -release susp.): 1,3. Recom. init. & mainten. dose: 400 mg. once mnthly. as a single inj. (no sooner than 26 d after the previous inj.). After the 1st inj., tmt. with 10 mg-20 mg oral aripiprazole should be cont. for 14 consec. days to maintain therapeutic aripiprazole concent. during init. of ther. See lit.
    Maintenan. tmt. of schizophrenia in adult pts. stabilised with oral aripiprazole.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    partial basket chart

    Atypical Antipsychotic. Aripiprazole 5, 10, 15, 30 mg.
    TABS: 28 x 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 30
    Take whole w/out meals. Schizophren:
    Adult >18 yrs: 10-15 mg dly. Maint. 15
    mg dly, max. 30 mg dly. Adolescents
    (15 yrs and older): recommend. dose
    10 mg dly. Max. dly dose: 30 mg.
    Mania: Adult >18 yrs: 15 mg daily, incr.
    if necess. to 30 mg dly. Not to exceed
    recomm. dose. Irritability
    Assoc. with Autistic Dis. (6-17 yrs):
    initiate at 2.5 mg/d, dose range 5 – 15
    mg dly. See lit.
    Tmt. of schizophrenia, tmt. of mod.- severe
    manic epis. in Bipolar I disord., prevent. of
    a new manic epis. in pts who experienced
    predomin. manic epis. whose manic
    epis. respond. to aripiprazole tmt. Use as
    an adjunct. ther. to antidepress. for tmt. of
    major depress. dis. (MDD). Efficacy was
    establ. in two 6-week trials in adults with
    MDD who had an inadeq. resp. to
    antidepr. ther. during the curr. epis. Tmt. of
    irritability assoc. with autistic dis. Efficacy
    was establ. in two 8-week trials in ped. pts
    (aged 6 - 17 yrs) with irritab. assoc. with
    autistic dis. (incl. sympt. of aggress.
    towards others, delib. self-inj., temper
    tantrums, quickly chang. moods).
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Axiban Sublingual Drops IMC-Medical Grade Cannabis Oil
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Axiban Sublingual Drops IMC-Medical Grade Cannabis Oil

    Cannabinoids. THC 0.3, 0.9, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop, CBD 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop.
    *This product requires a license for medical cannabis.
    BOTTLE. (sublingual drop.): 10gr (330 drops). Dosage should be adjust. individual.
    The Israel MOH has outlined in Guidance 106 the 12 indicat. for which med. cannabis is indicated. Accord. to this guidance, the 11 indicat. for this product are:
    Chemother-induc. nausea and vomit. (CINV)/ chemother induc. pain.
    Metastat. cancer pain.
    Neuropath. pain.
    Spastic. of MS.
    Pain in Parkinson's dis.
    Cachexia in AIDS.
    Tourette's syndr.
    Recalcitrant epilep. in adult. (Note: Accord. to Guidance 106, med. cannab. is also indic. for recalcitrant epilep. in ped. pts. but this is not an indicat. for this product)
    Palliative care for termin. ill pts.
    Post- traum. stress disord.
    In general, the use of med. cannabis is indicated in pts. who have adequate. tried and failed convent. ther.
    Please refer to Guidance 106 for details.
    In addition, for an individ. pt. with a clinical. signific. med. condit. that cannot be adequate. managed by convent. ther. and which is not includ. as one of the 12 approved indicat. (eg autism, fibromyalgia), the physician can appeal to the MOH Committee for Med. Cannabis to ask for approval on an individ. exception. basis.
    C/I: Prior, current/ family history (1st degr. relative) of psychos. or schizophr. or schizoaffective disord., a hist. of addict. or substance abuse (include. cannabis use disord.or addict. to alcohol), use in preg.or lact., use in pts. <18 yrs. old, bipol.disord., hypersens. to cannabis, coconut oil, palm kernel oil.
    In pts. with hepat. cancer, it is recommend. not to use med. cannab. that contains THC.
    See lit.

    Cerebonin 120 mg
    Dr. Samuelov
    not in the basket chart
    Cerebonin 120 mg

    Other Anti-Dementia Drugs. Ginkgo Biloba 35-67:1.
    F.C. TABS.:15. Dementia: Adults≥ 18 yrs. 1 tab.×2 d.
    Vertigo, adjuvant tinnitus tmt.: 1 tab.×1-2 d.
    When taken once dly., the F. C. tab. should be taken in the morn. Dementia syndr.:  Duration of the tmt. should last for at least 8 wks. See lit.
    For the symptom. tmt. of mental losses due to organic brain syndr. within the framework of a general therap. concept for dementia syndr.  having as major sympt.: Deficient memory, disturban. of concentr. , depress. mood, dizziness, tinnitus and headache. Vertigo of vascular and involutional origin.- Adjuvant tmt. in case of tinnitus of vascular and involutional origin. See lit.
    C/I: Hypersens., preg.

    Clopixol Acuphase
    partial basket chart
    Clopixol Acuphase

    Antipsychotic. Zuclopenthixol (acetate) 50 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 1, 10 x 1 ml x 50 mg/ml; 1, 10 x 2
    ml x 50 mg/ml. 50-150 mg I.M. May
    need to repeat after 24-48 hrs. Maint:
    Cont. with Clopixol oral or depot. See
    lit. Elderly: May have to reduce. Child:
    Not recommend.
    Initial tmt. acute psychoses.
    C/I: As for other neuroleptics., intol. to
    thioxanthenes. See lit.

    Clopixol Depot
    partial basket chart
    Clopixol Depot

    Antipsychotic. Zuclopenthixol (decanoate) 200 mg/ml, 500 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 1, 10 x 1 ml x 200 mg, 1, 5 x 1 ml
    x 500 mg. Deep I.M. initially: 200 mg
    every 2-4 wks. Maint: 200-400 mg
    every 2-4 wks. See lit. Elderly: May
    have to reduce. Child: not
    Maint. tmt. acute schizophren. and other
    psychoses espec. where oral med. a
    C/I: As for other neuroleptics., intol. to
    thioxanthenes. See lit.

    Other therapeutic systems under Central Nervous System