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  • Anticonvulsants
    32 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Axiban Sublingual Drops IMC-Medical Grade Cannabis Oil
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Axiban Sublingual Drops IMC-Medical Grade Cannabis Oil

    Cannabinoids. THC 0.3, 0.9, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop, CBD 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 3, 4.5, 6 mg/drop.
    *This product requires a license for medical cannabis.
    BOTTLE. (sublingual drop.): 10gr (330 drops). Dosage should be adjust. individual.
    The Israel MOH has outlined in Guidance 106 the 12 indicat. for which med. cannabis is indicated. Accord. to this guidance, the 11 indicat. for this product are:
    Chemother-induc. nausea and vomit. (CINV)/ chemother induc. pain.
    Metastat. cancer pain.
    Neuropath. pain.
    Spastic. of MS.
    Pain in Parkinson's dis.
    Cachexia in AIDS.
    Tourette's syndr.
    Recalcitrant epilep. in adult. (Note: Accord. to Guidance 106, med. cannab. is also indic. for recalcitrant epilep. in ped. pts. but this is not an indicat. for this product)
    Palliative care for termin. ill pts.
    Post- traum. stress disord.
    In general, the use of med. cannabis is indicated in pts. who have adequate. tried and failed convent. ther.
    Please refer to Guidance 106 for details.
    In addition, for an individ. pt. with a clinical. signific. med. condit. that cannot be adequate. managed by convent. ther. and which is not includ. as one of the 12 approved indicat. (eg autism, fibromyalgia), the physician can appeal to the MOH Committee for Med. Cannabis to ask for approval on an individ. exception. basis.
    C/I: Prior, current/ family history (1st degr. relative) of psychos. or schizophr. or schizoaffective disord., a hist. of addict. or substance abuse (include. cannabis use disord.or addict. to alcohol), use in preg.or lact., use in pts. <18 yrs. old, bipol.disord., hypersens. to cannabis, coconut oil, palm kernel oil.
    In pts. with hepat. cancer, it is recommend. not to use med. cannab. that contains THC.
    See lit.

    Briviact 10 mg/ml oral solution
    partial basket chart
    Briviact 10 mg/ml oral solution

    Antiepileptics. Brivaracetam 10 mg/ml.
    GLASS BOTTLE (oral sol.): 300ml × 10 mg/ml.
    Adult.: 50 mg/d or 100 mg/d based on physician assessm. of required seizure reduct. versus potential side effects. The dose should be admin. in two equally divided doses, once in the morn. and once in the even. Based on individ. pt. response and tolerab., the dose may be adjust. in the dose range of 50 mg/d to 200 mg/d.
    Missed doses: If pts. missed one dose or more, it is recomm. that they take a single dose as soon as they remember and take the follow. dose at the usual morn. or even. time. This may avoid the brivaracetam plasma concentr. falling below the efficacy level and prevent breakthrough seizures from occur.
    Discont.: If brivaracetam has to be discont. it is recomm. to withdraw it gradually by 50 mg/d. on a wkly. basis. After 1 wk. of tmt. at 50 mg/d, a final wk. of tmt. at the dose of 20 mg/d is recomm.
    Paediatric population: The physician should prescribe the most appropr. formulation and strength according to wt. and dose. It is recomm. to parent and care giver to admin. Oral sol. with the measure. device (10 ml or 5 ml oral dosing syr.) provided in the carton box.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) and adolesc .≥50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 50-200 mg/day, Recomm. starting dose 50 mg/d (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control). Recomm. mainten. dose- 100 mg/d.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) & adolesc. <50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 1-4 mg/kg/d.
    Recomm. start. dose 1 mg/kg/d (or 2 mg/kg/d) (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control).  Recomm. mainten. dose 2 mg/kg/d.
    The dose per intake for each pt. should be calculated using the following formula: Volume per admin. (ml) = [wt.(kg) x dly. dose (mg/kg/d)]×0.05. See lit.
    Indicated as adjunct. ther. in the tmt. of partial-onset seizur. with/without second. generalisation in adults, adolesc. and child. from 4 yrs. of age with epilepsy.
    C/I: Hypersens. Hypersens. to pyrrolidone derivat.

    Briviact 10 mg/ml solution for injection/infusion
    partial basket chart
    Briviact 10 mg/ml solution for injection/infusion

    Antiepileptics. Brivaracetam 10 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 10 × 5 mg/5 ml. Adult.: 50 mg/d or 100 mg/d based on physician assessm. of required seizure reduct. versus potential side effects. The dose should be admin. in two equally divided doses, once in the morn. and once in the even. Based on individ. pt. response and tolerab., the dose may be adjust. in the dose range of 50 mg/d to 200 mg/d.
    Missed doses: If pts. missed one dose or more, it is recomm. that they take a single dose as soon as they remember and take the follow. dose at the usual morn. or even. time. This may avoid the brivaracetam plasma concentr. falling below the efficacy level and prevent breakthrough seizures from occur.
    Discont.: If brivaracetam has to be discont. it is recomm. to withdraw it gradually by 50 mg/d. on a wkly. basis. After 1 wk. of tmt. at 50 mg/d, a final wk. of tmt. at the dose of 20 mg/d is recomm.
    Paediatric population: The physician should prescribe the most appropr. formulation and strength according to wt. and dose. It is recomm. to parent and care giver to admin. Oral sol. with the measure. device (10 ml or 5 ml oral dosing syr.) provided in the carton box.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) and adolesc .≥50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 50-200 mg/day, Recomm. starting dose 50 mg/d (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control). Recomm. mainten. dose- 100 mg/d.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) & adolesc. <50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 1-4 mg/kg/d.
    Recomm. start. dose 1 mg/kg/d (or 2 mg/kg/d) (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control).  Recomm. mainten. dose 2 mg/kg/d.
    The dose per intake for each pt. should be calculated using the following formula: Volume per admin. (ml) = [wt.(kg) x dly. dose (mg/kg/d)]×0.05. See lit.
    Indicated as adjunct. ther. in the tmt. of partial-onset seizur. with/without second. generalisation in adults, adolesc. and child. from 4 yrs. of age with epilepsy.
    C/I: Hypersens. Hypersens. to pyrrolidone derivat.

    Briviact Film Coated Tablets
    partial basket chart
    Briviact Film Coated Tablets

    Antiepileptics. Brivaracetam 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 mg.
    F.C. TABS.: 14×10 mg, 56×25 mg, 56×50 mg, 56×100 mg. Adult.: 50 mg/d or 100 mg/d based on physician assessm. of required seizure reduct. versus potential side effects. The dose should be admin. in two equally divided doses, once in the morn. and once in the even. Based on individ. pt. response and tolerab., the dose may be adjust. in the dose range of 50 mg/d to 200 mg/d.
    Missed doses: If pts. missed one dose or more, it is recomm. that they take a single dose as soon as they remember and take the follow. dose at the usual morn. or even. time. This may avoid the brivaracetam plasma concentr. falling below the efficacy level and prevent breakthrough seizures from occur.
    Discont.: If brivaracetam has to be discont. it is recomm. to withdraw it gradually by 50 mg/d. on a wkly. basis. After 1 wk. of tmt. at 50 mg/d, a final wk. of tmt. at the dose of 20 mg/d is recomm.
    Paediatric population: The physician should prescribe the most appropr. formulation and strength according to wt. and dose. It is recomm. to parent and care giver to admin. Oral sol. with the measure. device (10 ml or 5 ml oral dosing syr.) provided in the carton box.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) and adolesc .≥50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 50-200 mg/day, Recomm. starting dose 50 mg/d (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control). Recomm. mainten. dose- 100 mg/d.
    Child. (≥4 yrs.) & adolesc. <50 kg: Admin. in 2 equally divided doses: Therap. dose range 1-4 mg/kg/d.
    Recomm. start. dose 1 mg/kg/d (or 2 mg/kg/d) (or 100 mg/d based on physician assessment of need for seizure control).  Recomm. mainten. dose 2 mg/kg/d.
    The dose per intake for each pt. should be calculated using the following formula: Volume per admin. (ml) = [wt.(kg) x dly. dose (mg/kg/d)]×0.05. See lit.
    Indicated as adjunct. ther. in the tmt. of partial-onset seizur. with/without second. generalisation in adults, adolesc. and child. from 4 yrs. of age with epilepsy.
    C/I: Hypersens. Hypersens. to pyrrolidone derivat.

    Neopharm Cure
    partial basket chart

    Benzodiazepine. Midazolam (as HCl) 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 mg.
    PREFILLED SYRINGE (oromuc. sol.): 4 x
    2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg.
    3 - 6 mnths hospital set.: 2.5mg; > 6
    mnths to < 1 yr: 2.5mg; 1 yr to < 5 yrs: 5 mg; 5 yrs to < 10 yrs: 7.5 mg; 10 yrs to <
    18 yrs: 10 mg. See lit.
    Tmt of prolong., acute, convuls. seizures in
    infants, toddlers, children & adolesc. (from
    3 mnths to < 18 yrs). It must only be used
    by parents/carers where the pt has been
    diagnosed to have epilepsy. For infants 3-6
    mnths of age, tmt should be in a hospital
    setting where monitoring is possible and
    resuscitation equipment is available.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the product or other
    BZD; Myasth. gravis; Sev. respir. insuff.;
    Sleep apnoea syndr.; Sev. hepatic impair.

    full basket chart

    Benzodiazepine. Clonazepam 0.5 mg, 2 mg.
    TABS: 30 x 0.5 mg, 2 mg. Initial: 0.25 mg
    2 x dly. Incr. to 1 mg dly aft. 3 days.
    Some pts. may benefit to max. 4 mg
    dly. Not for pts. under 18 yrs. See lit.
    Typical or atypical petit mal, Lenox
    Gastaut syndr. (Petit mal variant),
    generalized prim. or second. tonic-clonic
    seizures incl. grand mal and focal
    seizures, panic disord. with/without
    C/I: Sens. to benzodiazepines, liver dis.,
    acute narrow angle glaucoma, 1st.
    trimest. pregn.

    Other therapeutic systems under Central Nervous System