All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Gonadotropin. Urofollitropin (FSH) 75 IU/vial. VIAL (pwdr. for inject. + amp with solv.):
10. For S.C. inject. See lit.
Anovulatory infertility (incl. PCOD),
unresponsive to clomiphene citrate.
Controlled ovarian hyperstim. to induce
develop. multiple follicles for ART, such as
C/I: Tumors of pituitary/hypothalam.
glands, ovarian, uterine or mammary
carcinoma. Pregn., lact. Gyn. hemorrh. of
unknown etiology. Hypersens.
Domapine Agonist. Cabergoline 0.5 mg. TABS: 2, 8. Take with meals. Dose: See
Tmt. dysfuncts., assoc. with
hyperprolactinem., incl. amenorrh.,
oligomenorrh., anovulat., galactorrh. In
pts. with prolactin-secret. pituitary
adenomas (micro/macro) idiopath.
hyperprolactinem., empty sella syndr.
with assoc. hyperprolactinem.
C/I: Hypersens., any ergot alkaloid,
uncontrolled hypertens.
GnRH Antagonist. Cetrorelix (as acetate) 0.25 mg/vial. Powder and solv. for SC. inj. 0.25 mg/ vial . Once daily, first dose to be admin. under med. supervision.
Preven. of premat. ovul. in pts. undergoing a contr. ovarian stimul. for IVF.
C/I: Hypersens. to the act. subst. or any struct. analogues of GnRH, extrins. pept. hnes., mannitol.
• pregn. and lact.
• sev. renal impair
Progestogen. Progesterone 8% w/w. Sgle. use prefill. vag. gel applic.:6,15 X1.125 g. Infert. due to inad. luteal phase: 1 applic/day start. after docum. ovul. or arbitr. on the 18th-21st-day of the cycle. For in- vitro fertil., when infertil. is due to tubal, idiopathic or endometriosis linked steril. assoc. with normal cycles: 1 app/day for 30 days if there is lab evid. of pregn. Infert. due to inadeq. luteal phase. In- vitro fertil., when infertil. is due to tubal, idiopathic,or endometriosis linked steril. assoc. with normal cycles.
C/I:Hypersens, Undiagn. vag. bleeding. Known or susp. progest.-sensit. malign. tumors. Porphyria. Thrombophleb., thromboembolic dis, cereb. apoplexy, or pts. with an history of these condit. Missed abort.
GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 3.75 mg. MICROCAPSULES C.R: 1 kit x 3.75 mg. 1
I.M. inject. mthly. See lit.
Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
puberty, endometriosis,
uterusleiomyoma, IVF.
Domapine Agonist. Cabergoline 0.5 mg. TABS: 8. 1 tab. wkly. in 1 or 2 doses. If necess. incr. grad. by 1 tab wkly at
mthly intervals. Maint: 1 mg wkly. with
ranges from 0.25 mg-2 mg. Up to 4.5
mg wkly. have been used.
TABS: 2. Inhibit. lact: Admin. during 1st
day (24 hrs.) post-partum: 1 mg (2 x 0.5
mg tabs) as single dose.
Suppress. estab. lact: 0.25 mg (1/2 0.5 mg tab) every 12 hrs. for 2 days (1 mg total dose).
Tmt. of hyperprolactinemic disord.
Tmt. of dysfunct. assoc. with hyperprolactinem., include. amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulat. and galactorrhea.
Indic. in pts. with prolactin-secret. pituitary adenoma. (micro-and macroprolactinomas), idiopathic hyperprolactinem., or empty sella syndr.with assoc. hyperprolactinemia. Inhibit. and suppress. of lact.
C/I: Hypersens. to cabergoline or ergot alkaloid.
Hist. of pulmon., pericard. and retroperitoneal fibrotic disord.
Pts. with hep. insuffic. and with toxaemia of preg.
Co-admin. with anti-psychotics or admin. to women with a history of puerperal psychosis.
Admin. for long-term tmt. See lit.