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  • Infertility
    25 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart

    Gonadotropin. Urofollitropin (FSH) 75 IU/vial.
    VIAL (pwdr. for inject. + amp with solv.):
    10. For S.C. inject. See lit.
    Anovulatory infertility (incl. PCOD),
    unresponsive to clomiphene citrate.
    Controlled ovarian hyperstim. to induce
    develop. multiple follicles for ART, such as
    IVF, ET, GIFT and ICSI.
    C/I: Tumors of pituitary/hypothalam.
    glands, ovarian, uterine or mammary
    carcinoma. Pregn., lact. Gyn. hemorrh. of
    unknown etiology. Hypersens.

    Cabotrim 0.5
    partial basket chart
    Cabotrim 0.5

    Domapine Agonist. Cabergoline 0.5 mg.
    TABS: 2, 8. Take with meals. Dose: See
    Tmt. dysfuncts., assoc. with
    hyperprolactinem., incl. amenorrh.,
    oligomenorrh., anovulat., galactorrh. In
    pts. with prolactin-secret. pituitary
    adenomas (micro/macro) idiopath.
    hyperprolactinem., empty sella syndr.
    with assoc. hyperprolactinem.
    C/I: Hypersens., any ergot alkaloid,
    uncontrolled hypertens.

    partial basket chart

    GnRH Antagonist. Cetrorelix (as acetate) 0.25 mg/vial.
    Powder and solv. for SC. inj. 0.25 mg/ vial . Once daily, first dose to be admin. under med. supervision.
    Preven. of premat. ovul. in pts. undergoing a contr. ovarian stimul. for IVF.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the act. subst. or any struct. analogues of GnRH, extrins. pept. hnes., mannitol.
    • pregn. and lact.
    • sev. renal impair

    Crinone 8%
    Merck Serono LTD, Israel
    partial basket chart
    Crinone 8%

    Progestogen. Progesterone 8% w/w.
    Sgle. use prefill. vag. gel applic.:6,15 X1.125 g. Infert. due to inad. luteal phase: 1 applic/day start. after docum. ovul. or arbitr. on the 18th-21st-day of the cycle. For in- vitro fertil., when infertil. is due to tubal, idiopathic or endometriosis linked steril. assoc. with normal cycles: 1 app/day for 30 days if there is lab evid. of pregn. Infert. due to inadeq. luteal phase. In- vitro fertil., when infertil. is due to tubal, idiopathic,or endometriosis linked steril. assoc. with normal cycles.
    C/I:Hypersens, Undiagn. vag. bleeding. Known or susp. progest.-sensit. malign. tumors. Porphyria. Thrombophleb., thromboembolic dis, cereb. apoplexy, or pts. with an history of these condit. Missed abort.

    Decapeptyl CR 3.75
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl CR 3.75

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 3.75 mg.
    MICROCAPSULES C.R: 1 kit x 3.75 mg. 1
    I.M. inject. mthly. See lit.
    Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
    puberty, endometriosis,
    uterusleiomyoma, IVF.

    partial basket chart

    Domapine Agonist. Cabergoline 0.5 mg.
    TABS: 8. 1 tab. wkly. in 1 or 2 doses. If necess. incr. grad. by 1 tab wkly at
    mthly intervals. Maint: 1 mg wkly. with
    ranges from 0.25 mg-2 mg. Up to 4.5
    mg wkly. have been used.
    TABS: 2. Inhibit. lact: Admin. during 1st
    day (24 hrs.) post-partum: 1 mg (2 x 0.5
    mg tabs) as single dose.
    Suppress. estab. 
    lact: 0.25 mg (1/2 0.5 mg tab) every 12 hrs. for 2 days (1 mg total dose).
    Tmt. of hyperprolactinemic disord.
    Tmt. of dysfunct. assoc. with hyperprolactinem., include.  amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulat. and galactorrhea.
    Indic. in pts. with prolactin-secret. pituitary adenoma. (micro-and macroprolactinomas), idiopathic hyperprolactinem., or empty sella syndr.with assoc. hyperprolactinemia. Inhibit. and suppress. of lact.
    C/I: Hypersens. to cabergoline or  ergot alkaloid.
    Hist. of pulmon., pericard. and retroperitoneal fibrotic disord.
    Pts. with hep. insuffic. and with toxaemia of preg.
    Co-admin. with anti-psychotics or admin. to women with a history of puerperal psychosis.
    Admin. for long-term tmt. See lit.

    Other therapeutic systems under Obstetrics and Gynecology