All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Progestogen. Progesterone 50 mg/ml. AMPS: 10 x 1 ml x 50 mg. 5-10 mg I.M.
dly. for 5-10 days until 2 days bef.
expect. menstruation.
Dysfunct. uterine bleed., selected cases as
add. tmt. infertil. such as IVF, Gift.
Antifibrinolytic. Tranexamic Acid 500 mg / 5 ml. AMPS: 10,25. 5-10 ml I.V. 2-3 x dly. See lit.
Gen. fibrin., prior to and foll. dental surg.
in hemophils, epistax., conizat. cervic.
C/I: Thromboembol. dis., subarach.
hem., acq. defect color vision.
Levonorgestrel 52 mg. IUS: 1 releasing 20 μg/24 hrs. for 5 yrs.
See lit. 1 unit in uterine cavity. In case of
accident. pregn. system to be removed.
Contracept., idiopath. menorrh., protect.
endomet. hyperplas. dur. estrogen replace.
C/I: Known or suspect. pregn., genital
infect., suspect. or confirm. uterine/
cervical malign., undiagn. abnorm.
uterine bleed., congen./ acq. uterine
anom. incl. fibroids, acute liver dis., liver
tumor, ven. thrombo-embol., acute/
recur. pelvic inflamm. dis., previous bact.
endocardit., severe pelvic infect. with
analom. card. lesion, prosthet. valve
replace., arter. dis., immunodefic., acute
malign. affect. blood, leukem. except
when in remiss., recent trophoblast. dis.
while HCG levels elevat.
Progestogen. Norethisterone Acetate 5 mg. TABS: 20. See lit.
Dysfunct. bleed., primary and second.
amenorrh., premenstrual syndr.,
mastopathy, uterine hypoplasia, timing of
menstruation, endometriosis.
C/I: Pregn., severe disturb. liver funct.,
Dubin-Johnson syndr., Rotor syndr.,
past, present liver tumors, history
jaundice, severe prurit., herpes during
pregn., thromboembol. processes