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  • Antifibrinolytic
    4 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Hexakapron Injection
    partial basket chart
    Hexakapron Injection

    Antifibrinolytic. Tranexamic Acid 500 mg / 5 ml.
    AMPS: 10,25. 5-10 ml I.V. 2-3 x dly. See lit.
    Gen. fibrin., prior to and foll. dental surg.
    in hemophils, epistax., conizat. cervic. 
    C/I: Thromboembol. dis., subarach.
    hem., acq. defect color vision.

    Hexakapron Tablets
    full basket chart
    Hexakapron Tablets

    Antifibrinolytic. Tranexamic Acid 500 mg.
    TABS: 20. 2-3 tabs. 2-3 x dly.
    Tmt. of hemorrh. occur. in some forms of
    surg. incld. prostatect.; hematuria;
    menorrhagia; hered. angioneur. edema.
    C/I: Thromboembol. dis., subarach.
    hem., acq. defect color vision.

    Unipharm Trading Ltd
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Antifibrinolytic. Pirfenidone 267 mg, Pirfenidone 801 mg.
    FC tab: 267/801 mg X 90
     Dose to be titr. to 2403 mg/d over a 14-day period as follows:
    ● Days 1 to 7: a dose of 267 mg admin. 3/d (801 mg/d)
    ● Days 8 to 14: a dose of 534 mg admin. 3/d (1602 mg/d)
    ● Day 15 onward: a dose of 801 mg admin. 3/d (2403 mg/d)
    maint. dly. dose is 801 mg 3/d with food (total of 2403 mg/d). Doses above 2403 mg/d are not recomm. for any ptt. See lit.
    In adlts. for mild to moder. idiopathic pulmon. fibrosis (IPF).
    C/I:  Hypersens. Hist. of angioedema with this drug.
    Concom. use of fluvoxamine
    Sev. hepatic impairm. or end stage liver dis.
    Sev. renal impairm. (CrCl <30 ml/min) or end stage renal dis. req. dialysis

    Tranex Injection
    Easy Care
    not in the basket chart
    Tranex Injection

    Antifibrinolytic. Tranexamic Acid 500 mg / 5ml.
    AMP. ( sol. for inj.): 5×5 ml.
    Adult.: The recomm. standard dosage: 5-10 ml IV, at a rate of 1 ml/min., 2-3 times dly. General Fibrinolysis: 10 ml I.V., 3-4 times dly. Prostatectomy: 5-10 ml by slow I.V. inj., every 8 hrs. (The 1st dose being admin. during the operat.), for the first 3 days follow. surg. When required, oral tmt. with tranexamic acid may be follow. Dental Surg.: Factor VIII or IX concentrates and Tranexamic Acid 10 mg/kg bdy. wt. should be admin. IV immediate. before surg. When required, oral tmt. with tranexamic acid may be followed. Epistaxis: may be applied topical. to the nasal mucosa, either using a spray or by soaking a gauze strip in the sol. and then packing the nasal cavity. Child. : Dosage should be calculated accord. to bdy. wt., 10 mg/kg I.V.
    General fibrinolysis. This may occur in prostatic and pancr. carcinoma follow. thoracic surg. and other major operat. proced., in obstetr. complic. such as abruptio placentae and post-partum
    hemorrhage, in connect. with thrombolytic ther., and in init. and follow-up tmt. follow. prostatectomy and bladder surg. Prior to, and follow., dental surg. in hemophiliacs. Epistaxis.
    C/I: Hypersens. Acute venous/ arter. thrombosis. Fibrinolytic condit. follow. consumpt. coagulopathy except in those with predominant activation of the fibrinolytic systemwith acute severe bleed. Severe renal impair. (risk of accumul.). History of convuls. Intrathecal, intraventr. inject., intracereb. application (risk of cerebr. edema and convuls.).