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  • Obstetrics
    9 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    not in the basket chart

    Tocolytic Agent. Atosiban 7.5 mg/ml.
    Sol. FOR INJECT: 1
    To start as soon as possible aft. diagn.
    of preterm labour in 3 successive
    stages: initial bolus dose (6.75 mg)
    with 7.5 mg/ml sol. for inject., immed.
    foll. by continuous high dose infus.
    (300 μg/min) during 3 hrs. foll. by
    lower dose (100 μg/min) for up to 45
    hrs. Infus. to be performed with 7.5
    mg/ml conc. sol. for infus. Tmt. not to
    exceed 48 hrs. Total dose not to exceed
    330 mg active substance.
    To delay imminent pre-term birth in
    pregn. women with reg. uterine
    contracts. of at least 30 secs. durat. at
    rate of ≥ 4/30 mins., cervical dilat. of 1-3
    cm (multiparas: 0-3), effacement of ≥
    50%; age ≥ 18 yrs., gestat. age: 24-33
    completed wks; normal fetal heart rate.
    C/I: Gestat. age below 24 or over 33
    completed wks., prem. rupture
    membranes > 30 wks gestat.,
    intrauterine growth retard, abnorm.
    fetal heart rate, antepartum uterine
    hemorrh. req. immed. delivery,
    eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia
    req. delivery, intrauterine fetal death,
    suspect. intrauterine infect., placenta previa, abruptio placenta, any other cond. of mother and fetus which is
    hazardous, known hypersens. to excips.

    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    full basket chart

    Progestogen. Progesterone 50 mg/ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 1 ml x 50 mg. 5-10 mg I.M.
    dly. for 5-10 days until 2 days bef.
    expect. menstruation.
    Dysfunct. uterine bleed., selected cases as
    add. tmt. infertil. such as IVF, Gift.

    partial basket chart

    Antiprogestin. Mifepristone 200 mg.
    TABS: 3. 3 tabs (600 mg) in single oral
    dose, foll. 36-48 hrs later by
    misoprostol 400 μg orally.
    Medical alt. to surg. terminat. intrauterine
    pregn., up to 49 days of
    amenorrh. (7 wks), in sequent. use with
    prostaglandin analog (misoprostol).
    Soft. and dilatat. cervix uteri prior to
    surg. terminat. pregn. during 1st
    trimester. Prep. action prostaglandin
    analogs in terminat. pregn. aft. 1st
    Only approved for use in hospitals/
    registered medical centers having
    approval to undertake terminations of

    Oxytocin Injection BP 10 IU/ml
    not in the basket chart
    Oxytocin Injection BP 10 IU/ml

    Oxytocic Agent. Oxytocin 10 IU/ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 1 ml. See lit.
    Induct. labour for medical reasons,
    stimulat. labour in hypoton. uterine inertia, during cesar. sect. foll. delivery,
    prevent. tmt. post. partum uterine atony
    and hemorrh., early stages pregn. as
    adjunct. ther. for manage. incomplete,
    inevitable or missed abort.
    C/I: Hypersens. See lit.

    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Gel
    partial basket chart
    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Gel

    Prostaglandin. Dinoprostone 1 mg / 3 g.
    VAG. GEL: 3 g x 1 mg, 2 mg. Initial: 1 mg. The pt. should remain in supine pos. for at least 30 min. Aft 6 hrs: A second dose of 1 mg or 2 mg, if necessary.
    Therapeutic termination of pregnancy, missed abortion.
    C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with hypersens. to prostaglandins. Pts. in whom oxytocic drugs are generally contra-indicated or where prolong. contractions of the uterus are consid. inappropriate such as: Cases with a history of Caesarean sec. or major uterin. surg.; Cases where there is evidence of a potent. for obstruct. labour.
    In pts. with a past history of, or existing, pelvic inflamm. dis., unless adequate prior tmt. has been instituted.
    Pts. with active cardiac, pulmon., renal or hep.dis.

    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Tablets
    partial basket chart
    Prostin E2 – Vaginal Tablets

    Prostaglandin. Dinoprostone 3 mg.
    VAG. TAB.: 4. 1 tab. (3 mg) to be inserted high into the posterior fornix. A 2nd tab. may be inserted after 6-8 hrs. if labour is not established. Max. dose 6 mg.
    Oxytocic tabs. induc. of labour, especially in pts. with favourable induct. features, when there are no fetal or maternal contra-indications.
    C/I: Pts. with a hist. of C- sect. or major uterine surg.
    Pts. where there is cephalopelvic disproportion.
    Pts. in which fetal malpresentation is present.
    Pts. where there is clinical suspicion or definite evidence of pre-existing fetal distress.
    Pts. with hist. of difficult labour and/or traumat. delivery.
    Pts. with Grand multiparae with over five prev. term pregnancies.
    Pts. with ruptured membranes.
    In pts. with a past hist. of, or existing, pelvic inflammat. dis., unless adequate prior tmt. has been instituted.
    In pts. where there is clinical suspicion or definite evidence of placenta praevia or unexplained vag. bleed. during this pregnancy.
    Pts. with active cardiac, pulmon., renal or hepat. dis.

    Other therapeutic systems under Obstetrics and Gynecology