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  • Endometriosis
    12 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

    All the Therapeutic System Drugs

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    Danol 200
    partial basket chart
    Danol 200

    Androgen. Danazol 200 mg.
    CAPS: 60.
    Fertile females: Start during
    menstruat. on 1 st day. Childbear. age:
    Use non. hormon. contracept. through
    course of tmt. Endometrios: 200-800
    mg dly. for 3-6 mths. Incr. if bleed.
    persists aft. 2 mths. to 800 mg/day in
    severe cases. Proph. heredit.
    angioedema: Initial: 200 mg 2-3 x dly.
    Maint: Decr. initial dose by 50% or less
    at intervals of 1-3 mths. or longer.
    Prevent. tmt.: Continuous effective
    lowest dose. Elderly and child: Not
    Endometriosis amenable
    to hormonal management, hereditary
    C/I: Preg., lact., markedly impair. hep.,
    renal or card. func. Porphyria, active
    thrombosis or thromboemb. dis., hist. of
    such events. Androgen depend. tumor,
    undiagnosed abnor. gen. bleed.

    Decapeptyl 0.1
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl 0.1

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 0.1 mg/ml.
    PFS: 0.1 mg/ml. See lit.
    Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
    puberty, endometriosis,
    uterusleiomyoma, IVF.

    Decapeptyl CR 3.75
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl CR 3.75

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 3.75 mg.
    MICROCAPSULES C.R: 1 kit x 3.75 mg. 1
    I.M. inject. mthly. See lit.
    Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
    puberty, endometriosis,
    uterusleiomyoma, IVF.

    full basket chart

    Progestogen. Dydrogesterone 10 mg.
    FC Tabs: 42.
    Dosage: see lit.
    Cases where progest. suppl. is needed.
    C/I: Hypersens. Vag. bleeding, where the cause has not been establ.  Tmt. for luteal supp. as part of an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) tmt. should be discont. upon diagn. of abortion or miscarr. Pres. of sev. liver disord., or sev. liver disord. in med. hist. until liver funct. values have returned to normal. C/I for use of oestrogens in combin. with progestogens such as dydrogesterone in comb. ther. Known or susp. sex horm. dep. malign.

    Lucrin Depot PDS 11.25 mg
    partial basket chart
    Lucrin Depot PDS 11.25 mg

    GnRH Agonist. Leuprorelin Acetate 11.25 mg.
    (PDS): 1 x 3.75 mg, 11.25 mg/vial.
    3.75 mg mthly.; 11.25 mg/vial: every 3
    mths. Both I.M. or S.C. See lit.
    Prostat. carcinoma, endometrios., uterine
    fibroids (for up to 6 mths.). Tmt breast
    cancer in pre/peri-menopaus. women in
    whom hormone ther. is specified.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the product or similar
    nonapeptides; Anaphylaxis; Undiagn.
    abnorm. vag. bleed.; Pregn.; Lact.
    Additionaly, the 11.25 mg formulation:
    pts follow. an orchiectomy.

    Lucrin Depot PDS 3.75 mg
    partial basket chart
    Lucrin Depot PDS 3.75 mg

    GnRH Agonist. Leuprorelin Acetate 3.75 mg.
    (PDS): 1 x 3.75 mg, 11.25 mg/vial.
    3.75 mg mthly.; 11.25 mg/vial: every 3
    mths. Both I.M. or S.C. See lit.
    Prostat. carcinoma, endometrios., uterine
    fibroids (for up to 6 mths.). Tmt breast
    cancer in pre/peri-menopaus. women in
    whom hormone ther. is specified.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the product or similar
    nonapeptides; Anaphylaxis; Undiagn.
    abnorm. vag. bleed.; Pregn.; Lact.
    Additionaly, the 11.25 mg formulation:
    pts follow. an orchiectomy.

    Other therapeutic systems under Obstetrics and Gynecology