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  • Biguanide
    15 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Competact Tablets
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    Competact Tablets

    Biguanide, Thiazolidinediones. Pioglitazone (as HCl) 15 mg, Metformin Hydrochloride 850 mg.
    F.C. TABS.: 56. Adult. with normal renal funct. (GFR ≥ 90 mL/min): The recomm. dose of Competact is 30 mg/day pioglitazone plus 1,700 mg/day of metformin HCl (this dose is achievable with 1 tab. of 15 mg/850 mg, taken ×2/d.
    Dose titration with pioglitazone (added to the optimal dose of metformin) should be consid. before the pt. is switched to this medication. See lit.
    Second line tmt. of type 2 diabet. mell. adult pts., particularly overweight pts., who are unable to achieve suffic. glycaem. control at their maxim. tolerated dose of oral metformin alone.
    After initiat. of the. with pioglitazone, pts. should be reviewed after 3-6 mnths. to assess adequacy of response to tmt. (e.g. reduct. in HbA1c). In pts. who fail to show an adequate response, pioglitazone should be discont. In light of potent. risks with prolong. ther., prescribers should confirm at subseq. routine reviews that the benefit of pioglitazone is maintain.
    C/I: Hypersens. Cardiac fail./ history of card. fail. (NYHA stages I- IV). Current bladder cancer or a hist. of bladder cancer. Uninvestigated macroscop. haematuria. Acute/chron. dis. which may cause tissue hypoxia such as cardiac or respirat. fail., recent MF, shock. Hepat. impair. Acute alcohol intoxicat., alcoholism. Any type of acute metabol. acidos. (e.g. lactic acidosis, diabet. ketoacidosis). Diabet. pre-coma. Severe renal fail. (GFR < 30 mL/min). Acute conditions: Dehydrat., Sev. infec., Shock, Intravasc. administ. of iodinated contrast agents., Breast-feed.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Biguanide, DPP-4 Inhibitor. Vildagliptin 50 mg, Metformin Hydrochloride 500, 850, 1000 mg.
    F.C. TABS: 60 x Vildagliptin 50 mg/
    Metformin 500 mg; 60 x
    Vildagliptin 50 mg/Metformin 850 mg;
    Vildagliptin 50 mg/Metformin 1,000 mg.
    Based on the pt. current dose of
    Metformin, tmt. may be init. at either
    50 mg /500 mg or 50 mg/850 mg or 50
    mg/1000 mg tab. strength BID, one
    tab. in the morning and evening. Pts
    already receiving metformin +
    vildagliptin from separate tabs: switch
    to the equivalent combined tab. Daily
    doses >100 mg of vildagliptin are not
    recommend. See lit.
    Tmt. type 2 diabetes mellitus in adult pts.
    insuffic. controlled with max. tolerat.
    dose Metformin alone or already treat.
    with vildaliptin and Metformin as
    separate tabs. In comb. with a
    sulfonylurea as an adjunct to diet and
    exercise in adult pts. inadeq. controlled
    with metformin and a sulfonylurea. In
    triple comb. ther. with insulin as an
    adjunct to diet and exercise to improve
    glycaemic control in adult pts.when
    insulin at a stable dose and Metformin
    alone do not provide adeq. glycaemic
    C/I: Hypersens., Diab. ketoacid., diabet.
    pre-coma. Ren. fail. ,ren,dysfunc, (CrCl<
    60 ml/min) dehydr., sev. infec., shock.
    Intravasc. admin. of iod. contrast ag. Acute/ chron. dis. which may cause
    tissue hypox., (e.g: Card. fail.). Resp. fail.,
    recent MI, Hep. impair. Acute alcohol
    intox., alcoholism. Lact.

    full basket chart

    Biguanide. Metformin Hydrochloride 850 mg.
    CAPLETS: 30
    Adult: 1 caplet twice a day, with/aft.
    meals; can adjust gradually up to 3
    caplets daily taken as divided doses.
    Elderly: not indicated when renal
    function is impaired. See lit.
    Diet-failed, non-insulin dependent
    diabetic patients, especially if
    overweight, either alone as initial
    therapy or in combination with a
    sulfonylurea. Occasionally, as adjuvant
    therapy in insulin-dependent diabetic
    patients particularly who are usually
    obese and not well controlled with
    C/I: Hypersens. moder.- sev.renal fail. or
    renal dysfunc., renal dis.which may also
    result from cond. such as cardiovasc.
    collapse (shock), acute dis.
    e.g.dehydration (diarrhea, vomit., fever),
    severe infect. and/or hypoxic states
    (septicemia, urin.infec., pneumopathy),
    hypoxic states: cardiovasc.collapse
    (shock) from whatever cause, acute
    congest. heart fail. acute MI, other cond.
    characterized by hypoxemia (any sev.
    resp. disturb.), hep. fail., since sev. hep. dysfunc. has been assoc. with some
    cases of lactic acidosis. Pts. with clin. or
    lab. evidence of hep. dis. Should be
    tempor. withheld in pts. undergoing rad.
    studies involv. paren. admin. of
    iodinated contrast materials except for
    fluorescein photoretinog. which does
    not necessitate metformin withhold.
    Exces. alcohol intake, acute or chronic.
    Acute or chronic metab. acidosis, includ.
    diabetic ketoacidosis, with or without
    coma. 2 days before elective major
    surgery, and for 2 days follow. surg. or
    any traum. cond. Hist. of lact. acidosis.
    Lacta.Uncontrol. diabetes, with e.g.
    severe hyperglyc., nausea, vom.,
    dehydration, rapid weight loss. Impair.
    func. of the heart or recent heart attack,
    stroke. Blood clot in the lungs. Pancreas
    inflam. Pts. over 80 yrs. old and not yet
    passed kidney funct. assess. See lit..

    Januet 50/1,000 mg
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Januet 50/1,000 mg

    Biguanide, DDP-4 Inhibitor. Metformin Hydrochloride 1,000 mg, Sitagliptin 50 mg.
    TABS: 56. 2 x dly with meals. Graduate
    dosage to avoid GI side effects. Max.
    dly dose: 100 mg sitagliptin/2,000 mg
    metformin HCl.
    Adjunct to diet/excercise to improve
    glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
    mellitus, when tmt. with both sitagliptin
    and metformin approp. Not to be used in
    type 1 diabetes or tmt. diabet.
    ketoacidos. Not studied in history
    pancreatit. See lit.
    C/I: Ren. dis./dysfunct.; acute/chron.
    metabol. acidos. (incl. diabet. acidos.)
    with/out coma, hypersens., discont.
    when undergoing radiolog. studies
    involving IV admin. or iodinated contrast

    Januet 50/500 mg
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    Januet 50/500 mg

    Biguanide, DPP-4 Inhibitor. Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg, Sitagliptin 50 mg.
    TABS: 56. 2 x dly with meals. Graduate
    dosage to avoid GI side effects. Max.
    dly dose: 100 mg sitagliptin/2,000 mg
    metformin HCl.
    Adjunct to diet/excercise to improve
    glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
    mellitus, when tmt. with both sitagliptin
    and metformin approp. Not to be used in
    type 1 diabetes or tmt. diabet.
    ketoacidos. Not studied in history
    pancreatit. See lit.
    C/I: Ren. dis./dysfunct.; acute/chron.
    metabol. acidos. (incl. diabet. acidos.)
    with/out coma, hypersens., discont.
    when undergoing radiolog. studies
    involving IV admin. or iodinated contrast

    Januet 50/850 mg
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Januet 50/850 mg

    Biguanide, DPP-4 Inhibitor. Metformin Hydrochloride 850 mg, Sitagliptin 50 mg.
    TABS: 56. 2 x dly with meals. Graduate
    dosage to avoid GI side effects. Max.
    dly dose: 100 mg sitagliptin/2,000 mg
    metformin HCl.
    Adjunct to diet/excercise to improve
    glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
    mellitus, when tmt. with both sitagliptin
    and metformin approp. Not to be used in
    type 1 diabetes or tmt. diabet.
    ketoacidos. Not studied in history
    pancreatit. See lit.
    C/I: Ren. dis./dysfunct.; acute/chron.
    metabol. acidos. (incl. diabet. acidos.)
    with/out coma, hypersens., discont.
    when undergoing radiolog. studies
    involving IV admin. or iodinated contrast