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  • DDP-4 Inhibitor
    1 Drug classified under this drug class

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    Januet 50/1,000 mg
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Januet 50/1,000 mg

    Biguanide, DDP-4 Inhibitor. Metformin Hydrochloride 1,000 mg, Sitagliptin 50 mg.
    TABS: 56. 2 x dly with meals. Graduate
    dosage to avoid GI side effects. Max.
    dly dose: 100 mg sitagliptin/2,000 mg
    metformin HCl.
    Adjunct to diet/excercise to improve
    glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
    mellitus, when tmt. with both sitagliptin
    and metformin approp. Not to be used in
    type 1 diabetes or tmt. diabet.
    ketoacidos. Not studied in history
    pancreatit. See lit.
    C/I: Ren. dis./dysfunct.; acute/chron.
    metabol. acidos. (incl. diabet. acidos.)
    with/out coma, hypersens., discont.
    when undergoing radiolog. studies
    involving IV admin. or iodinated contrast