All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Purgative. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Magnesium Oxide 3.5 g, Citric Acid 10.97 g. Contact Laxatives. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Light Magnesium oxide 3.5 g, Citric acid anhydrous 10.97 g.
SACHETS (pwdr. for sol.) 2 x 15.08 g: Adults (includ. elderly): 1 sachet in water taken bef. 8 am on day bef. proced., 2nd sachet at 2 pm.-4 pm. on the same day.
For bowel cleans. prior to any diagnostic proced. req. a clean bowel, e.g. colonoscopy or x-ray examin.
C/I: Hypersens., CHF, gastr. retent., gastr. ulcer, ileus, tox. Colitis, tox. megacol., nausea, vomiting, sever. dehyd., ascites, abdom. surg., obstr. in the digest. system, IBD, hypermagnes., rhabdomyol.
Sodium Bicarbonate 55.14% w/w, Citric Acid (anhydrous) 38.21% w/w, Simethicone 1% w/w. EFFERVES. GRANULES (SACHETS): 50 x 4
g. 4 g sachet on back of tongue and
washed down with 15 ml water. Child:
Depend. on age and wt.
For the relief of heartburn, sour stomach,
acid indigestion and upset stomach and
gas associated with these symptoms.
C/I: Pts. on sod. restrict. diet under vis.
of physician.
Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Citrate , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid . RTU oral sol. 500 ml: 50-100 mg/kg during first 4 hs. period, dep. on level of dehydr. Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. Admin. in small and freq. doses.
For the prevent. of dehydr. by replac. fluids and electrolytes loss assoc. with condit. such as ac. diarrhoea
C/I:Hypersens. No known contraindic., however, in some condit. this tmt. will be inappropr. e.g. intest. obstruct. req. surg. intervent.
Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid , Zinc Gluconate , Trisode Citrate . SOLN: 500 ml. First 4 hrs: 50-100 ml/kg.
Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. All in freq., small
Loss of body fluid and electrolytes in
mild to moderate diarrh. in child, infant.
Purgative. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Magnesium Oxide 3.5 g, Citric Acid 12 g. SACHETS: 2. Adults (includ. elderly): 1
sachet in water taken bef. 8 am on day
bef. proced, 2nd sachet 6-8 hrs later.
Child: See lit.
Bowel cleans. prior to X-ray exam,
endoscopy or surg.
C/I: Hypersens., cong. cardiac fail, gastric
retent., GI ulcerat. See lit.