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  • Dextrose
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Citrate , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid .
    RTU oral sol. 500 ml: 50-100 mg/kg during first 4 hs. period, dep. on level of dehydr. Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. Admin. in small and freq. doses.

    For the prevent. of dehydr. by replac. fluids and electrolytes loss assoc. with condit. such as ac. diarrhoea
    C/I:Hypersens. No known contraindic., however, in some condit. this tmt. will be inappropr. e.g. intest. obstruct. req. surg. intervent.

    Mineralmix with Zinc
    Gilco Pharm
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Mineralmix with Zinc

    Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid , Zinc Gluconate , Trisode Citrate .
    SOLN: 500 ml. First 4 hrs: 50-100 ml/kg.
    Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. All in freq., small
    Loss of body fluid and electrolytes in
    mild to moderate diarrh. in child, infant.

    Orset L.S.
    Masrouji Co.
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Orset L.S.

    Dextrose 100 mmol/lit, Sodium 56 mmol/lit, Potassium 20 mmol/lit, Citrate 30 mmol/lit, Chloride 80 mmol/lit.
    EFFERVESC. TABS: 10. Inf (up to 2 yrs):
    Mild diarrh (not more than 1 stool
    every 2 hrs.): approx. 1 dissolved tab.
    for ea. liquid stool (100 ml/kg/day).
    Mod. diarrh (more than 1 stool every 2
    hrs): Approx. 1 dissolved tab. every hr.
    or as much as pt. will accept. (10-15 ml/
    kg/day). Adults and Child (over 2 yrs):
    1-2 tabs per stool passed or as much as
    thirst demands. Do not exceed
    recommend. dose.
    Water and elecytrolyte deplet. assoc.
    with diarrh. or sweating.
    C/I: Glucose malabsorp., anuria,
    metabol. alkalosis.