All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Sodium Chloride 7.44 mg/ml, Potassium Chloride 0.395 mg/ml, Sodium Phosphate (dibasic) 0.433 mg/ml, Sodium Bicarbonate 2.19 mg/ml, Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 3.85 mg/ml, Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 5 mg/ml, Dextrose 23 mg/ml, Glutathione Disulfide 4.6 mg/ml. PHYSIOLOG. IRRIGAT. SOLN: 480ml Part I + 20ml Part II.
Intraoc. irrigat. sol. during intraoc. surg.
involv. perfus. of eye.
Sodium Bicarbonate 55.14% w/w, Citric Acid (anhydrous) 38.21% w/w, Simethicone 1% w/w. EFFERVES. GRANULES (SACHETS): 50 x 4
g. 4 g sachet on back of tongue and
washed down with 15 ml water. Child:
Depend. on age and wt.
For the relief of heartburn, sour stomach,
acid indigestion and upset stomach and
gas associated with these symptoms.
C/I: Pts. on sod. restrict. diet under vis.
of physician.
Antacid. Sodium Alginate 50 mg/ml, Sodium Bicarbonate 26.7 mg/ml, Calcium Carbonate 16 mg/ml. SUSP: 150 ml, 300 ml. Adults, child over
12 yrs: 10-20 ml (2-4 tsps) up to 4 x dly,
aft. meal, bef. bedtime. Usually not
intend. for child under 6 yrs.
Gastro reflux, heartburn, flatulence
assoc. with gastric reflux, heartburn of
pregn., epigastr., retrostern. distress.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antacid. Sodium Alginate 250 mg, Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5 mg, Calcium Carbonate 80 mg. TABS: 16. Adults, child over 12 yrs: 2-4
tabs up to 4 x dly, aft. meal, bef.
bedtime. Usually not intend. for child
under 12 yrs.
Gastro-esophag. reflux, heartburn,
reflux-relat. indigest.
C/I: Hypersens.
Osmotic Laxative. Polyethylene Glycol 3350 315 gr, Potassium Chloride 1.1175 gr, Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2840 gr, Sodium Chloride 8.4240 gr. SOLN: 3 litres. Drink 240 ml (1 glass) at
intervals of 10 mins. until consumed.
Bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy,
barium enema x-ray.
C/I: Hypersens., toxic colit. Peristaltic
disord., bowel perfor., bowel obstruct.,
dilated bowels.
Isotonic solution. Anhydrouse Glucose 1.36 g/l, 22.7 g/l, 38.6 g/l, Sodium Chloride 5.38 g/l, Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 0.184 g/l, Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 0.051 g/l, Sodium Bicarbonate 2.10 g/l, Sodium Lactate 1.68 g/l. PVC BAG: 1.5, 2, 2.5 L. Dosage ajust. individ.
Indicated whenever peritoneal dialysis is employed include.: Acute&chron. renal fail.; Severe water retent.; Severe electrolyte imbalance; Drug intoxicat. with dialysable substanc. when a more adequate therapeut. alternative is not available. Bicarbonate/Lactate based physioneal peritoneal dialysis solutions with a physiology. pH are particul. indicated in pts. in whom solut. based on lactate buffer only with a low pH cause abdom. inflow pain or discomfort.
C/I: Pts. with: uncorrectab. mechan. defects that prevent effective PD or incr. the risk of infec., documented loss of periton. funct. or extensive adhesions that compromise periton. funct.