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  • Potassium Chloride
    7 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

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    Meroken New
    full basket chart
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    Meroken New

    Osmotic Laxative. Polyethylene Glycol 3350 315 gr, Potassium Chloride 1.1175 gr, Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2840 gr, Sodium Chloride 8.4240 gr.
    SOLN: 3 litres. Drink 240 ml (1 glass) at
    intervals of 10 mins. until consumed.
    Bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy,
    barium enema x-ray.
    C/I: Hypersens., toxic colit. Peristaltic
    disord., bowel perfor., bowel obstruct.,
    dilated bowels.

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Citrate , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid .
    RTU oral sol. 500 ml: 50-100 mg/kg during first 4 hs. period, dep. on level of dehydr. Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. Admin. in small and freq. doses.

    For the prevent. of dehydr. by replac. fluids and electrolytes loss assoc. with condit. such as ac. diarrhoea
    C/I:Hypersens. No known contraindic., however, in some condit. this tmt. will be inappropr. e.g. intest. obstruct. req. surg. intervent.

    Mineralmix with Zinc
    Gilco Pharm
    not in the basket chart
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    Mineralmix with Zinc

    Dextrose , Sodium Chloride , Potassium Chloride , Citric Acid , Zinc Gluconate , Trisode Citrate .
    SOLN: 500 ml. First 4 hrs: 50-100 ml/kg.
    Maint: 100 ml/kg/day. All in freq., small
    Loss of body fluid and electrolytes in
    mild to moderate diarrh. in child, infant.

    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Osmotic Laxative. Ascorbic Acid 4.7 g, Potassium Chloride 1.015 g, Sodium Chloride 2.691 g, Macrogol 100 g, Sodium Ascorbate 5.9 g, Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous 7.5 g.
    SACHETS (pwder. for sol.): 2 x 2.
    Adults, elderly: Course of tmt. consists
    of 2 liters of the prep. Divided doses as
    1L in the eve. before and 1L in the early
    morn. of the day of the proced. Single
    dose: 2 liters in the eve. proceeding the
    clinical procedure or 2L in the morn. of
    the clinical procedure. Not
    recommend. below 18 yrs. See lit.
    Bowel cleans. prior to clinic. proceds. req.
    clean bowel, such as bowel endoscopy,
    C/I: Pts with known or suspect.:
    Hypersens., gastro-intest. obstruct. or
    perforat., disord. of gastric emptying
    (e.g. gastroparesis), ileus,
    phenylketonuria (due to presence of
    aspartame), G6PD defic. (due to
    presence of ascorbate), toxic megacolon
    which complicates very severe inflam.
    condit. of the intest. tract includ. Crohn’s
    dis. and ulcerative colitis, unconscious

    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Hemofiltrates. Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 3.68 g/l, Disodium Phosphate Dihydrate 0.225 g/l, Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 2.44 g/l, Potassium Chloride 0.314 g/l, Sodium Chloride 6.44 g/l, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 2.92 g/l.
    BAG (Sol. for Heamodial./Haemofiltr.):
    2×5000 ml. The volume of the drug
    used will depend on the clin. cond. of
    the pt. and the targeted fluid balance.
    Adult/Adolesc.: 500 - 3000 ml/hr.
    Child.: 15 - 35 ml/kg/hr. The range of
    flow rates for the dialysis sol.
    (dialysate) in contin. haemodialysis
    and contin. haemodiafiltration are:
    Adult/Adolesc.: 500 - 2500 ml/hr.
    Child.: 15 - 30 ml/kg/hr. Comm. used
    flow rates in adults are approx. 2000
    ml/h which correspond to a daily
    replac. fluid volume of approx. 48 L.See
    CRRT (cont. renal replac. ther.) in critic. ill
    pts. with acute ren.fail. when pH and
    kalaemia have been restored to norm.
    and when the pts. need phosphate
    supplemen. for loss of phosphate in the
    ultrafiltrate or to the dialysate during
    CRRT. May also be used in cases of drug
    poison./ intoxic. when the poisons are
    dialysable or pass through the
    membrane. Indic. for pts. with normal
    kalaemia and normal or
    C/I: Hypersens.; Hyperkal.; Metab.
    alkalosis; Hyperphosphat.
    Haemofiltration/dialysis depend.
    contraindic.: Renal fail. with pronounced
    hypercatabol., if the uraemic symp.
    cannot be corrected with
    haemofiltration or haemodiafiltration, Insuffic. arterial
    pressure in the vascular access, Syst.
    anticoagul. if there is a high risk of