All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Hemofiltrates. Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 3.68 g/l, Disodium Phosphate Dihydrate 0.225 g/l, Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 2.44 g/l, Potassium Chloride 0.314 g/l, Sodium Chloride 6.44 g/l, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 2.92 g/l. BAG (Sol. for Heamodial./Haemofiltr.):
2×5000 ml. The volume of the drug
used will depend on the clin. cond. of
the pt. and the targeted fluid balance.
Adult/Adolesc.: 500 - 3000 ml/hr.
Child.: 15 - 35 ml/kg/hr. The range of
flow rates for the dialysis sol.
(dialysate) in contin. haemodialysis
and contin. haemodiafiltration are:
Adult/Adolesc.: 500 - 2500 ml/hr.
Child.: 15 - 30 ml/kg/hr. Comm. used
flow rates in adults are approx. 2000
ml/h which correspond to a daily
replac. fluid volume of approx. 48 L.See
CRRT (cont. renal replac. ther.) in critic. ill
pts. with acute when pH and
kalaemia have been restored to norm.
and when the pts. need phosphate
supplemen. for loss of phosphate in the
ultrafiltrate or to the dialysate during
CRRT. May also be used in cases of drug
poison./ intoxic. when the poisons are
dialysable or pass through the
membrane. Indic. for pts. with normal
kalaemia and normal or
C/I: Hypersens.; Hyperkal.; Metab.
alkalosis; Hyperphosphat.
Haemofiltration/dialysis depend.
contraindic.: Renal fail. with pronounced
hypercatabol., if the uraemic symp.
cannot be corrected with
haemofiltration or haemodiafiltration, Insuffic. arterial
pressure in the vascular access, Syst.
anticoagul. if there is a high risk of