All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Adsorbant, Antiflatulent. Charcoal 140 mg, Simethicone 45 mg. CAPS: 48 (24 blue; 24 pink). 1 blue cap
(gastro-sol.) and 1 pink (gastro-resist.) X
3 dly. Bef. Meals.
Anti-flatulent, for symptomatic
treatment of stomach ache resulting
from accumulation of gas, relief of
sensation of fullness, meteorism,
bloating and flatulence.
C/I: Known hypersens.
Sodium Bicarbonate 55.14% w/w, Citric Acid (anhydrous) 38.21% w/w, Simethicone 1% w/w. EFFERVES. GRANULES (SACHETS): 50 x 4
g. 4 g sachet on back of tongue and
washed down with 15 ml water. Child:
Depend. on age and wt.
For the relief of heartburn, sour stomach,
acid indigestion and upset stomach and
gas associated with these symptoms.
C/I: Pts. on sod. restrict. diet under vis.
of physician.
Antacid, Defrothicant. Simethicone 125 mg. TABS: 30. Adults and child over 12 yrs:
1-2 tabs as reqd. aft. meals or at bedt.
Not to exceed 4 tabs in 24 hrs.
Flatul., hyperacid.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antacid. Aluminium Hydroxide 225 mg / 5 ml, Magnesium Hydroxide 200 mg / 5 ml, Simethicone 25 mg / 5 ml. SUSP: 355 ml x 200 mg Mg(OH)2, 225 mg
Al(OH)3, 25 mg simethicone,
Adult./elderly: 2-4 teasp. 20 mins. - 1
hr. aft. meals and at bedt.
Child.: 6–12 yrs. 5 mL × 3–4 /d; 12–18
yrs. 5–10 mL × 4 /d Taken 20 min. to 1h.
after meals and at bedt. when
Gastric or duod. ulc., gastrit., gastric
C/I: Hypesens., abd. pain, renal insf.
bowel obstr.
Defrothicant. Simethicone 40 mg/ 0.6 ml. Oral drops: 30 ml. Dose: 0.3-0.6 ml bef. every meal. Max.3.6 ml/d
Relief of gripping pain, infant colic or wind.