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  • Purgative
    2 Drugs classified under this drug class

    All the Drug Class Drugs

    Tradis Gat
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    Multiple ingredients

    Purgative. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Magnesium Oxide 3.5 g, Citric Acid 10.97 g.
    Contact Laxatives. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Light Magnesium oxide 3.5 g, Citric acid anhydrous 10.97 g.
    SACHETS (pwdr. for sol.) 2 x 15.08 g: Adults (includ. elderly): 1 sachet in water taken bef. 8 am on day bef. proced., 2nd sachet at 2 pm.-4 pm. on the same day.
    For bowel cleans. prior to any diagnostic proced. req. a clean bowel, e.g. colonoscopy or x-ray examin.
    C/I: Hypersens., CHF, gastr. retent., gastr. ulcer, ileus, tox. Colitis, tox. megacol., nausea, vomiting, sever. dehyd., ascites, abdom. surg., obstr. in the digest. system, IBD, hypermagnes., rhabdomyol.

    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    full basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Purgative. Sodium Picosulfate 10 mg, Magnesium Oxide 3.5 g, Citric Acid 12 g.
    SACHETS: 2. Adults (includ. elderly): 1
    sachet in water taken bef. 8 am on day
    bef. proced, 2nd sachet 6-8 hrs later.
    Child: See lit.
    Bowel cleans. prior to X-ray exam,
    endoscopy or surg.
    C/I: Hypersens., cong. cardiac fail, gastric
    retent., GI ulcerat. See lit.