All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Lung Surfactant. Phospholipid fraction from porcine lung 80 mg/ml. VIALS (sterile susp.): 1 x 5 ml cont. 1.5 ml
(120 mg), 3 ml (240 mg). Single dose of
100-200 mg/kg bdy wt. intratracheal.
Further admin. 1 or 2 other doses of
100 mg/kg bdy. wt. at 6-12 hr. intervals
in babies still being ventilated if FIO2
is greater than 0.40.
See lit.
Preterm babies with RDS (Respiratory
Stress Syndrome).
PDE4 Inhibitor. Roflumilast 500 mcg. F.C. TABS.: 30,90. 1 tab. once dly.
Maint. tmt. of severe COPD (FEV1 postbronchodilat.
less than 50% predicted)
assoc. with chron. bronchitis in adult pts. with a hist. of freq. exacerb. as add on to
bronchodilat. tmt.
C/I: Hypersens., Moder./severe hep.
impair. (Child-Pugh B or C).
Medical Device. Propylene Glycol , Urea , Lactic Acid , Water , Sodium Hydroxide . NAIL SOL.: 10 ml. Apply sol.
once dly to affected nails, prefer. in the
Promote healing of discolour. and
deformed nails result. from fungal inf. or
C/I: Hypersens.
Immunosuppressant. Pirfenidone 267 mg. HARD CAPS.: 252, 270. The recom. dly.
dose is 801 mg(3 caps.) × 3/d with food
for a total of 2403 mg/day. See lit.
Tmt. of mild to moder. idiop. pulmon.
fibrosis in adult.
C/I: Hypersens. Hist.of angioed. with
pirfenidone. Concom. use of fluvoxamine. Sev. hep. impair. or end stage liver dis. Sev. renal impair.(CrCl <30 ml/min) or end stage
renal dis. requir. dialysis.
Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) 1 g / 50 ml. VIAL (sol. for infus.): 1 x 50 ml. I.V. use
only. 60 mg/kg bdy. wt. 1 x wkly.
See lit.
Chron. augmentat./maint. ther. congen.
defic. alpha1-proteinase inhib. (Alpha1-
PI), also known as alpha1-antitrypsin
(AAT) defic. and clin. evidence
C/I: Immunoglobulin A (IgA) defic. with
antibodies against IgA. Hypersens., incl.
anaphylax. to Alpha1-PI product.