All the Drug Class Drugs
Lung Surfactant. Phospholipid fraction from porcine lung 80 mg/ml. VIALS (sterile susp.): 1 x 5 ml cont. 1.5 ml
(120 mg), 3 ml (240 mg). Single dose of
100-200 mg/kg bdy wt. intratracheal.
Further admin. 1 or 2 other doses of
100 mg/kg bdy. wt. at 6-12 hr. intervals
in babies still being ventilated if FIO2
is greater than 0.40.
See lit.
Preterm babies with RDS (Respiratory
Stress Syndrome).
Lung Surfactant. Calfactant (as phospholipid) 35 mg/ml. VIAL (intratracheal susp.): 3, 6 x 6 ml. 3
ml / kg bdy. wt. at birth. Can be
repeated if necess. every 12 hrs, up to
total of 3 doses. Do not dilute, shake
or sonicate. May req. gentle swirl or
agitat. for redisperse.
Prevent respir. distress syndr. (RDS) in
prem. inf. at high risk for RDS, tmt. prem.
inf. who develop RDS.