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  • Growth Hormones and Growth Disorders
    14 Drugs classified under this therapeutic system

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    Decapeptyl 0.1
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl 0.1

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 0.1 mg/ml.
    PFS: 0.1 mg/ml. See lit.
    Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
    puberty, endometriosis,
    uterusleiomyoma, IVF.

    Decapeptyl CR 3.75
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl CR 3.75

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Acetate 3.75 mg.
    MICROCAPSULES C.R: 1 kit x 3.75 mg. 1
    I.M. inject. mthly. See lit.
    Lowers sexual hormones, precocious
    puberty, endometriosis,
    uterusleiomyoma, IVF.

    Decapeptyl Depot 11.25 mg
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl Depot 11.25 mg

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Embonate 11.25 mg.
    VIAL (pwdr. + solv.): 1 x 11.25 mg. 1 x
    every 12 wks, I.M.
    Prostat. cancer, lower. sex hormones.

    Decapeptyl Depot 3.75 mg
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals
    partial basket chart
    Decapeptyl Depot 3.75 mg

    GnRH Agonist. Triptorelin Embonate 3.75 mg.
    VIAL (pwdr. + solv.): 1 x 3.75 mg. 1 x
    every 4 weeks, I.M.
    Precocious puberty; Prostat. cancer, lower. sex hormones.

    partial basket chart

    Somatropin Agonist. Somatotrophin 5.3 mg, 12 mg.
    TWO CHAMBER CARTRIDGES: U2-pen: 1 x 5.3 mg/ml, 12 mg/ml.
    Pre-Filled Pen (Go Quick): 1 x 5.3 mg/ml, 12 mg/ml.
    Dosage must be ajust. individ.
    Child. Short stature due to inadeq. or fail.
    secret. of pituit. growth horm. or Turner’s
    synd.. Short stature in child. with chron.
    renal insuffic.
    Growth disturb. (height SDS< -2.5 and
    parent. adjust. height SDS< -1) in short
    child. born SGA (SGA – small for gestat.
    age, i.e. born small in relation to the
    length of the fetus develop. ), with a birth
    wt. and/or length < -2 SD, who fail. to
    show catch up growth (HV SDS <0 during
    the last year) by 4 yrs. of age or later. In
    Prader-Willi syndr. (PWS) to improve
    growth and body composit. The diagnosis of PWS should be confirm.
    by genetic analysis.
    Adult.: Adult. with Growth-hormone
    defic. since childhood.
    Adult. who have acquir. growth hormone
    defic. due to a pituit. pathology causing
    C/I: Hypersens.
    Any eviden. of activity of a tumour.
    Intracran. tumour. must be inactive and
    antitumour ther. must be complet. prior
    to init. growth hormone. ther. Tmt.
    should be discount. if there is evidence
    of tumour growth.
    Growth promot. in child. with closed
    Pts. with acute critical illness suffer.
    complic. follow. open heart surg.,
    abdom. surg., multiple accident. trauma,
    acute respire. fail. or similar condit.
    should not be treated with Genotropin
    (regard. pts. underg. substitut. ther.
    Pts. with Prader-Willi syndr. who are
    sever. obese or have severe respirat.
    impair. Pts. with active prolifer. or severe nonprolifer. diabetic retinop.

    Other therapeutic systems under Endocrines