All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Glucocorticoid. Hydrocortisone 0.5 mg, 1 mg , 2 mg, 5 mg. Gran. in caps. for opening 50X0.5/1/2/5 mg. Recomm. doses: 8-10 mg/m2/day for pts. with adr. insuff. alone and 10-15 mg/m2/day in pts. with congen. adr. hyperpl. (CAH), in three or four div. doses. See prescr. inform.
Replac. ther. of adren. insuff. from birth to < 18 years old.
C/I:Hypersens., dysphagia, premature inf. where oral feed. has not been establ.
Corticosteroid. Betamethasone 0.5 mg. TABS: 30, 100. 0.5-4 mg dly. Reduce for
maint. to minimal effect. dose.
Severe asth., hay fever, allerg. skin conds.,
rheum. arthrit., collagen dis.
Corticosteroid. Betamethasone (acetate) 3 mg/ml, Betamethasone (sodium phosphate) 3.945 mg/ml. AMP: 1 ml. See lit.
Conds. respond. to corticoster. ther.
Corticosteroid. Cortisone Acetate 25 mg. TABS: 50. See lit.
Conds. respond. to corticoster. ther.
Corticosteroid. Prednisolone 15 mg / 5 ml. SYR. (van. flav.): 60 ml. Initial: 5-60 ml
dly depend. on severity.
Conds. respond. to corticoster. ther.
C/I: As for all corticosteroids.
Corticosteroid. Methylprednisolone (Acetate) 40 mg/ml. VIALS: 1, 2, 5 ml. Dosage adjust. individ.
accord. to pt. med. cond.
Tmt. of cond. respons. to steroid inject. ther.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with system. infect.
unless specific anti-infect. ther. is
employed for use by the intrathecal
route due to its potential for neurotox.
Admin. by IV route.
Admin. of live or live, attenuat.