All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Aminoglycoside, Antibacterial. Bacitracin 400 U/g, Neomycin Sulphate 5 mg/g, Polymyxin B Sulfate 5000 U/g. EYE OINT: 3.5 g. Apply 2 or more x dly.
Broad spect. antibiotic for ophth.
Antibacterial, Antifungal, Corticosteroid. Gramicidin 0.25 mg/g, Neomycin Sulphate 2.5 mg/g, Nystatin 100000 IU/g, Triamcinolone 1 mg/g. CREAM: 5, 15 g. Apply 2-3 x dly.
See lit.
Allerg. and infect. dermatit., eczema,
cutan. candidiasis, anogenital prurit.
C/I: T.B., herpes simplex, vaccinia,
varicella, lesions not suscept. to nystatin.
Antibacterial, Antifungal, Corticosteroid. Gramicidin 0.25 mg/g, Neomycin Sulphate 2.5 mg/g, Nystatin 100000 IU/g, Triamcinolone 1 mg/g. OINT.: 5, 15 g. Apply 2-3 x dly.
See lit.
Allerg. and infect. dermatit., eczema,
cutan. candidiasis, anogenital prurit.
C/I: T.B., herpes simplex, vaccinia,
varicella, lesions not suscept. to nystatin.
Antibiotics, Steroid. Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 1 mg, Neomycin Sulphate 5 mg, Polymyxin B Sulfate 10000 IU. EAR DROPS: 5 ml. 2 drops into ear 3-4 x
dly. Child: 1-2 drops into ear 3-4 x dly.
fic. inflamm. infects. ext. aud. canal.
C/I: Hypersens. to sulfites, perfor. ear
Aminoglycoside, Corticosteroid. Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 0.1%, Neomycin Sulphate 0.5%. EYE, EAR, NASAL DROPS: 10 ml. Eye
drops: As reqd.; Ear drops: 2-3 drops
3-4 x dly; Nose drops: 1-2 drops 3-4 x
Inflamms. caused by secondary bact.
Antibiotics, Steroid. Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 1 mg/ml, Neomycin Sulphate 5 mg/ml, Polymyxin B Sulfate 10,000 U/ml. EAR DROPS: 5 ml. 2-3 drops into ear 3-4
x dly. Child: 1-2 drops into ear 3-4 x
Inflamm. conds., fic. bact. infects. ext. aud.