All the Drug Class Drugs
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1 g / 100 g. CREAM: 20 g. Apply thin layer to affect.
area, rub in gently 2-3 x dly as foll:
Dermatomycos: 3-4 weeks; erythrosma:
2-4 wks; pityrias versicolor: 1-3 wks;
candida vulv./balanit: 1-2 wks. Cont. till
2 wks. aft. disappear. sympts.
Skin infects. caused by dermatophytes/
C/I: Hypersens. to clotrimazole,
cetylstearyl alcohol. See lit.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. PASTE: 30 g. Apply on affect. area 1 x
dly. for 7-10 days.
Skin irritat. caused by fungus, which does
not disappear within 72 hrs.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. CREAM: 30 g. Apply thin layer to affect.
area, rub in gently 2-3 x dly as foll:
Dermatomycos: 3-4 weeks; erythrosma:
2-4 wks; pityrias versicolor: 1-3 wks;
candida vulv./balanit: 1-2 wks. Cont. till
2 wks. aft. disappear. sympts.
Skin infects. caused by dermatophytes/
C/I: Hypersens. to clotrimazole,
cetylstearyl alcohol. See lit.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. PASTE: 30 g. Apply on affect.
area 1-3 times dly.
Tmt. of abrasions & skin infec.
caused by species of fungi sensit.
to clotrimazole.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. SOLN: 20 ml x 0.2 g. Apply 2-3 x dly.
Skin infects. caused by fungus of different
strains (candida, dermatophytes and
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 200 mg, 500 mg. VAG. TABS: 3 x 0.2 g, 1 x 0.5 g (+ applic.). 3 day tmt. for 0.2 g or singledose tmt. for 0.5 g.
Infect. leucorrhea, vaginit. caused by
fung. (mostly candida), -infects. caused
by sens. bact.