All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1 g / 100 g. CREAM: 20 g. Apply thin layer to affect.
area, rub in gently 2-3 x dly as foll:
Dermatomycos: 3-4 weeks; erythrosma:
2-4 wks; pityrias versicolor: 1-3 wks;
candida vulv./balanit: 1-2 wks. Cont. till
2 wks. aft. disappear. sympts.
Skin infects. caused by dermatophytes/
C/I: Hypersens. to clotrimazole,
cetylstearyl alcohol. See lit.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. PASTE: 30 g. Apply on affect. area 1 x
dly. for 7-10 days.
Skin irritat. caused by fungus, which does
not disappear within 72 hrs.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. CREAM: 30 g. Apply thin layer to affect.
area, rub in gently 2-3 x dly as foll:
Dermatomycos: 3-4 weeks; erythrosma:
2-4 wks; pityrias versicolor: 1-3 wks;
candida vulv./balanit: 1-2 wks. Cont. till
2 wks. aft. disappear. sympts.
Skin infects. caused by dermatophytes/
C/I: Hypersens. to clotrimazole,
cetylstearyl alcohol. See lit.
Imidazole Derivative Antifungal. Clotrimazole 10 mg. LOZENG.: 70.
1 loz. ×5/ d. for 14 consec. days. For prophylax., to reduce the incid. of oropharyng. candidiasis in pts. immune-comprom. by condit. that include chemother., radiother., or steroid ther. utilized in the tmt. of leukemia, solid tumors, or ren. transpl.: 1 loz. ×3/d for the durati. of chemother. or until steroids are reduced to mainten. levels. See lit.
Local tmt. of oropharyng. candidias. Prophylact. tmt. to reduce inciden. of oropharyng. candidias. in pts. immune-comprom. by:- chemother. ,- radiother.,- steroid ther. in Leukemia,- solid tumors,- renal transplant.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. PASTE: 30 g. Apply on affect.
area 1-3 times dly.
Tmt. of abrasions & skin infec.
caused by species of fungi sensit.
to clotrimazole.
C/I: Hypersens.
Antifungal. Clotrimazole 1%. SOLN: 20 ml x 0.2 g. Apply 2-3 x dly.
Skin infects. caused by fungus of different
strains (candida, dermatophytes and