All the Drug Class Drugs
Antibacterial. Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.5%, Alcohol 70%. AQ. SOLN: 60, 100, 300, 1,000 ml.
Clean affect. area with wet cottonwool
and sol.
Disinfect. skin.
C/I: Hypersens.; not to be used on brain
tissue or middle ear.
Aminoglycoside, Antibacterial. Bacitracin 400 U/g, Neomycin Sulphate 5 mg/g, Polymyxin B Sulfate 5000 U/g. EYE OINT: 3.5 g. Apply 2 or more x dly.
Broad spect. antibiotic for ophth.
Antibacterial. Chlorhexidine Digluconate 0.2% w/w. TUBE (gel): 50ml. Should be appl. on moisten. toothbrush, once/twice dly. for about 1 min. Any excess should be spitted out. The mouth should not be rinsed after appl. the gel.
For the tmt. of gingivitis, a course of about one month is advisable.
When used for the manag. of aphthous ulcer. and oral candidal infec. an alternat. method of delivery may be requir. which facilitates applic. of the gel to affected areas.
This should be used once/twice dly. for about 1 min. The length of tmt. time should be decided on the basis of clinical response.
During the tmt. of denture stomatitis, the gel should be brushed thoroughly all over the dentures with 2.5 cm of gel on a moistened toothbrush, once/twice dly. for about 1 min.
Child. & Elderly pts.: The normal adult dose is appropriate for elderly pts. and child. of 12 yrs.
Child. under 12 yrs. of age should not use the product. See lit.
Oromucosal gel, a transparent gel with characteristic odour.
As an aid to maintain. oral hygiene.
As an aid in the tmt. and prevent. of gingivitis.
Inhibit. of formation of dental plaque.
For use in aphtous ulcerat. and oral candidal infect. (e.g. denture stomatitis and thrush).
For use in a post-periodont. surg. or tmt. regimen to promote gingival healing.
C/I: Pts. with known hypersens. to Chlorhexidine.
Antibacterial. Chlorhexidine Digluconate 0.12% w/v. BOTTLE (oromucosal sol.): 200ml, 500 ml. Oromucosal use only, not intend. for swallow.
Adult.: Mouth wash 1 min. with 15 ml ×2/d. Spit out after use. In the dental surg., the pt. should be instruct. to rinse the mouth for 1 min. prior to tmt.
For the tmt. of gingivitis, a course of about 1 mnth. is advisable although some variat. in response is to be expected. In the case of aphthous ulcer. & oral candidal infect. tmt. should be cont. for 48 hrs. after clinic. resolution.
For the tmt. of dental stomatitis, the dentures should be cleansed and soaked in the mouthwash for 15 min. twice dly.
Do not exceed the stated dose.
Child. & Elderl.: The normal adult dose is appropr. for elderl. pts. and child. of 12 yrs. and over.
Child. under 12 yrs. of age should not use the product.
Antibact. sol. for the disinfect. of the mouth.
As an aid to maintain. oral hygiene.
As an aid in the tmt. and prevent. of gingivitis.
Inhibit. of formation of dental plaque.
For use in aphtous ulcerat. and oral candidal infect. (e.g. denture stomatitis and thrush).
For use in a post-periodont. surg. or tmt. regimen to promote gingival healing.
C/I: Pts. with known hypersens. to Chlorhexidine.
Antibacterial, keratolytic. Benzoyl Peroxide 10%. GEL: 30 g x 2.5%, 5%, 10%. Apply 2-3 x
Antibacterial, keratolytic. Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5%. GEL: 30 g x 2.5%, 5%, 10%. Apply 2-3 x