All the Therapeutic System Drugs
Folic Acid Analog. Methotrexate 25 mg/ml. VIAL (sol. for inj.): 25 mg/ ml X 2 ml, 4 ml,
8 ml, 20 ml, 40 ml. Dose must be ajust.
individ. for each pt. accord. to med.
cond. See lit.
Antineopl. Chemother.
Tmt. of gestational choriocarcinoma,
chorioadenoma destruens and
hydatidiform mole. Palliation of ALL. Tmt.
and proph. of menin. leukemia.
Greatest effect has been observed in
palliation of acute lymphoblast.(stemcell)
leukemias in child. In comb. with
other anticancer agents, may be used for
the induc. of remis.,but is most common.
used in the mainten. of induced remis.
May be used alone, or in comb. with other
antineoplastic drugs, in the manag. of
breast canc., epidermoid cancers of the
head and neck, lung cancer (partic.
squamous cell ,small cell types), bladder
cancer and osteogenic cancer. Tmt. of the
advan.stages (III and IV, Peter’s Staging
system) of lymphosarcoma, partic. in
child., and in advanced cases of mycosis
Psoriasis. Indic. only in the sympt. control
of sev. recalcitrant, disabling psoriasis
which is not adeq. responsive to other
forms of therapy, and only when the diag.
has been established, as by biopsy and/or
after dermat. consult. RA:Tmt. of selec.
adul.with sev. RA, only when the diag. has
been well established accord. to rheumat.
standards, with inadeq. response to other
forms of antirheum. ther., includ. full dose
NSAIDs and usually a trial of at least one
or more dis.-modif. antirheum. drugs.
C/I: Pregnancy, lact., pts. in poor state of
nutrition, sev. ren. impair. (crCL <20 ml/
min), sev. liver impair., bone marrow
hypoplasia, leucopenia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia, alcohol
abuse, hypersens. and lung toxic.due to
methotrexate, serious, acute or chronic
infect. such as tuberculosis and HIV,
ulcers of the oral cavity and known
active GI ulcer dis. Concur. vaccin. with
live vaccines.
Imidazole Antifungal. Bifonazole 1%. SHAMPOO: 100 ml. Spread 15 ml gel on
scalp, leave in contact for 3-5 mins.,
rinse thoroughly. Repeat. Treat 3 x
wkly. for 6 consec. wks.
Pitryasis versicolor, seborrh. dermatit.
scalp caused by pitryosporum.
TNF Blocking Agent. Adalimumab 50 mg/ml.. PRE-FILLED SYRINGE: 2 ×(20 mg/0.4 mL, 40mg/0.8ml)
PRE-FILLED PEN: 2× (40mg /0.8 ml).
Dosage ajust. individ. accord. to pt. med. condit.
RA: in comb. with methotrexate-tmt. of moder.-sev., active RA in adult pts. when the response to dis.-modif. anti-rheumat.drugs includ. methotrexate has been inadequate.
The tmt. of sev., active and progres. RA in adult.not previous. treated with methotrexate, given as monother. in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued tmt. with methotrexate is inappropr. AMGEVITA has been shown to reduce the rate of progress. of joint damage as measured by X-ray and to improve physical funct., when given in comb. with methotrexate.
Axial spondyloarthritis Ankylosing spond. (AS): tmt. of adult. with severe active AS who have had an inadeq. response to convent. ther.
Axial spondyloarthritis without radiograph. evidence of AS: tmt. of adults with sev. axial spondyloarthritis without radiograph.evidence of AS, but with object. signs of inflamm. by radiolog. and/or lab. tests includ. MRI and serum CRP levels, who have had an inadequate response to, or are intoler, to,NSAID’s.
Psoriatic arthritis: tmt. of active and progress. psoriat. arthritis in adults when the response to previous dis.-modif. anti-rheum.drug ther. has been inadequate. Adalimumab has been shown to reduce the rate of progress. of peripher. joint damage as measured by X-ray in pts. with polyarticular symmetr. subtypes of the dis. and to improve physic. func.
Psoriasis: tmt. of moder.-sev. chron. plaque psoriasis in adult pts. who are candidates for system. ther.
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS): tmt. of active moder.- sev. hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) in adult pts. with an inadequate response to convent. system. HS ther.
Crohn’s dis. : reducing signs and sympt.and induc.and maintain. clinical remiss. in adult pts. with moder.- sev. active Crohn’s dis. who have had an inadequate response to convent. ther. AMGEVITA is indic. for reduc. signs and sympt. and induc. clinical remiss. in these pts. if they have also lost response to or are intoler. to infliximab.
Ulcerat. colit.: tmt. of moder.-sev. active ulcerat. colit. in adult pts. who have had an inadequate response to convent. ther. includ. corticosteroids and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) or azathioprine (AZA), or who are intoler. to or have med. contraindicat. for such therapies.
Uveitis : tmt. of non-infect. intermed., posterior and panuveitis in adult pts. who have had an inadequate response to corticosteroids, in pts. in need of corticosteroid-sparing, or in whom corticosteroid tmt. is inappropr.
Intestinal Behcet's dis.: tmt. of intestin. Behcet’s dis. in pts. who have had an inadequate response to convention. ther.
C/I: Hypersens.
Active tuberculosis or other sev. infect. such as sepsis, and opportunist.infec.
Moder.-sev. HF(NYHA class III/IV).
Polidocanol 15 g / 100 g, Soya Oil 82.95 g / 100 g. LIQ: 200 ml, 500 ml. Shake before use.
For bath or shower.
Medicinal oil bath with antiprurit. effect,
skin dis.
Corticosteroid, Vitamin D Analog. Calcipotriol 50 mcg/g, Betamethasone (as dipropionate) 0.5 mg/g. Oint:30/60/120 g. Apply to affected area once daily. The recomm. tmt. period is 4 wks. There is experience with repeated courses up to 52 w ks. If it is necessary to cont. or restart tmt. after 4 wks., tmt. should be cont. after med. review and under regular med. supervis.
When using calcipotriol contain. med. products, the max. dly. dose should not exceed 15 g. The body surface area treated with calcipotriol contain. drugs should not exceed 30% . See lit.
Topical treatment of stable plaque
psoriasis vulgaris amenable to topical
therapy. For renal /hepatic impair. and ped. pop. see lit.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts with erythrodermic, exfoliative and pustular psoriasis.
Pts. with known disorders of calcium metabolism .
Pts. with viral (e.g. herpes or varicella) lesions of the skin, fungal or bacterial skin infections, parasitic infections, skin manifestations in relation to tuberculosis, perioral dermatitis, atrophic skin, striae atrophicae, fragility of skin veins, ichthyosis, acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, rosacea, ulcers and wounds.
Human Monoclonal Antibody. Bimekizumab 160 mg/ml. Pre-filled pen sol. for SC inj. 160 mg/ml
320 mg (given as 2 inject. of 160 mg each) at week 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and every 8 weeks after.
Tmt. of mod. to sev. plaque psoriasis in adlts. candidates for syst. ther.
C/I:Hypersens. Clinic. import. active infect.(e.g. act. TB)