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  • Human Monoclonal Antibody
    6 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Aimovig 70 mg
    not in the basket chart
    Aimovig 70 mg

    CGRP, Human Monoclonal Antibody. Erenumab 70 mg.
    PRE-FILL. SYR (sol. for S.C. inj.): 1
    PRE- FIL. PEN (sol. for S.C. inj.): 1
    Tmt. is intend. for pts. with at least 4 migraine days per month when initiat. tmt. with erenumab.
    The recomm. dose is 70 mg erenumab every 4 wks. Some pts. may benefit from a dose of 140 mg every 4 wks.
    Each 140 mg dose is given as two S.C. inj. of 70 mg. See lit.
    Tmt. should be initiat. by physicians experienced in the diagnosis and tmt. of migraine.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    partial basket chart

    Human Monoclonal Antibody. Avelumab 20 mg / ml.
    VIAL (conc. For sol. For infus.) 1 x 10 ml. MCC or UC: 800 mg or 10 mg/kg body weight, accord. to treat. Physician's discretion, admin. as a IV infus. over 60 min. every 2 wks. until dis. progress. or unacceptab. toxicity.
    RCC: 800 mg or 10 mg/kg body weight, accord. to treat. Physician's discretion, admin. as a IV infus. over 60 min. every 2 wks.
    in comb. with axitinib 5 mg oral. taken twice daily until dis. progress. or unacceptab. toxicity. see lit.
    Tmt. of adlt.pts. with metastat. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC).
    Maint. tmt. of pts. with local. adv. or metastat. urothelial carcinoma (UC) that has not progress. with first-line platinum-containing chemother.
    Tmt. of pts. with local. adv. or metastat. urothelial carcinoma (UC) who:
    - Have dis. progress. during or follow. platinum-containing chemother.
    - Have dis.  progress. within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant tmt.

      with platinum-containing chemother.
    First-line tmt. of pts. with adv. renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in comb. with axitinib.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    partial basket chart

    Human Monoclonal Antibody. Bimekizumab 160 mg/ml.
    Pre-filled pen sol. for SC inj. 160 mg/ml
     320 mg (given as 2 inject. of 160 mg each) at week 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and every 8 weeks after.
     Tmt. of mod. to sev. plaque psoriasis in adlts. candidates for syst. ther.
    C/I:Hypersens. Clinic. import. active infect.(e.g. act. TB)

    Astra Zeneca
    partial basket chart

    Human Monoclonal Antibody, Immunoglobulins. Durvalumab 50 mg/ml.
    Vial:  Sol for inf.120/500 mg
    Dosage and freq. depend on patient weight, disease type and monoor combined ther. See lit.
    Urothelial Carcinoma: for pts with PD-L1 high (Tumor cell ≥25% or IC ≥25%) locally adv. or metast. urothelial carcinoma who:
    - have dis. progr. during or following platinum-contain. chemother
    . - have dis. progr. within 12 months of neoadj. or adj. tmt with platinum cont. chemother..
    Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - for pts with unresect. Stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose dis. has not progr. following concurr.platinum-based chemother. and radiation ther.- in comb. with tremelimumab and platinum-based chemother. for the first-line tmt. of adlts with metast. NSCLC with no sensit. EGFR mutat. or ALK pos. mut..
    Small Cell Lung Cancer, in combin. with etoposide and either carboplatin or cisplatin, for the first-line tmt. of adlt pts. with extens.-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC).
    Biliary Tract Cancers: in comb. with gemcitabine and cisplatin for the first-line tmt of adlts with locally adv., unresect., or metast. biliary tract cancer (BTC).
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma: in comb. with tremelimumab for the first line tmt of adlts with adv. or unresect. hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


    partial basket chart

    Human Monoclonal Antibody. Evolocumab 140 mg/ml.
    PRE-FILL.SYR.or PEN:1, 2, 3, 6 X 1ml.
    Prim. hypercholesterolem. & mixed dyslipidem. in adlts. and ped. pts. aged 10 and over: either 140 mg every two wks. or 420 mg once month. ; both doses
    are clinic. equiv.
    Homozyg. famil. hypercholesterolem. in adult. and ped. pts. ≥ 10 yrs.:
    init. recomm. dose is 420 mg once month. After 12 wks. of tmt., dose freq. can be up-titrat. to 420 mg once every 2 wks. if clinic. meaningful resp. is not achieved. Pts. on apheresis may init. tmt. with 420 mg every two wks. to corresp. with their apheresis sched.
    Establish. atheroscler. cardiovasc. dis. in adult.: 140 mg every two wks. or 420 mg once month.; both doses are clinic. equiv. See lit.
    Hypercholesterolem. & and mixed dyslipidem. in adults with prim. hypercholesterolem. (heterozyg. famil. and non-famil.) or mixed dyslipidem. and in ped. pts. aged 10 and over with heterozyg. fam. hyperchol. as an adj. to diet:
    in comb. with a statin or statin with other lipid-low. therap. in pts. unable to reach LDL-C goals with the max. toler. dose of a statin or,
    alone or in comb. with other lipid-lower. therap. in pts. who are statin-intoler., or for whom a statin is contraindic.
    Homozyg.  famil. hypercholesterolem. –adult. & ped. pts. aged 10 and over- in comb. with other lipid-lower. therap.
    Establish. atheroscl. cardiovasc. dis.-adults with MI, stroke or peripher. arterial dis.- to red. cardiovasc. risk by lower. LDL-C levels, as an adj. to correct. of other risk factors:
    in comb.with the maxim. toler. dose of a statin with / w/o other lipid-lower.
    alone or in comb. with other lipid-lower. therap. in pts. who are statin-intoler., or for whom a statin is contraindic.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Stelara vial 130 mg
    partial basket chart
    Stelara vial 130 mg

    Human Monoclonal Antibody. Ustekinumab 130 mg / 26 ml.
    Vial: conc. for sol. for IV inj. 1X 130 mg/26 ml
    Dose to be indiv. adj. as per ptt. weight.
    For adlt. pts. with mod. to sev. active Crohn’s dis. who have had an inadeq. resp. with, lost resp. to, or were intoler. to either convent. ther. or a TNFα antag. or have contraindic. to such ther.
    Also for adlt. pts. with mod. to sev. act. UC who have had an inadeq. resp. with, lost resp. to, or were intoler. to either convent. ther. or a boil. or have contraindic. to such ther.

      Hypersens. Import., act. infect.