All the Therapeutic System Drugs
α-Gucosidase Inhibitor. Acarbose 50 mg, 100 mg. TABS: 30 x 50 mg, 100 mg. Initial: Wk 1:
25 mg at dinner; wk 2: 25 mg at breakf.
and dinner; wks 3-4: 25 mg at breakf.,
lunch and dinner; wk 5: Incr. dose at
dinner to 50 mg; wk 6: Also incr. dose
at breakf. to 50 mg; wks 7-8: 50 mg at
breakf., lunch, dinner. Aft. 8 wks: Eval.
response and adjust accord. Wk 9: Incr.
dose at dinner to 100 mg; wks 10-11:
Also incr. dose at breakf. to 100 mg; wk
12: 100 mg at breakf., lunch, dinner.
Tab to chew./swallow. immed. at
beginn. meal with 1st mouthful. If dose
forgot: Take at next meal and not betw.
NIDDM in pts. inad. control. by diet
alone or on diet and oral hypoglycem.
C/I: Hypersens., pregn., lact., chron.
digest. syst. disords., liver funct. disords.,
ren. insuffic. See lit.
Biguanide, DPP-4 Inhibitor. Vildagliptin 50 mg, Metformin Hydrochloride 500, 850, 1000 mg. F.C. TABS: 60 x Vildagliptin 50 mg/
Metformin 500 mg; 60 x
Vildagliptin 50 mg/Metformin 850 mg;
Vildagliptin 50 mg/Metformin 1,000 mg.
Based on the pt. current dose of
Metformin, tmt. may be init. at either
50 mg /500 mg or 50 mg/850 mg or 50
mg/1000 mg tab. strength BID, one
tab. in the morning and evening. Pts
already receiving metformin +
vildagliptin from separate tabs: switch
to the equivalent combined tab. Daily
doses >100 mg of vildagliptin are not
recommend. See lit.
Tmt. type 2 diabetes mellitus in adult pts.
insuffic. controlled with max. tolerat.
dose Metformin alone or already treat.
with vildaliptin and Metformin as
separate tabs. In comb. with a
sulfonylurea as an adjunct to diet and
exercise in adult pts. inadeq. controlled
with metformin and a sulfonylurea. In
triple comb. ther. with insulin as an
adjunct to diet and exercise to improve
glycaemic control in adult pts.when
insulin at a stable dose and Metformin
alone do not provide adeq. glycaemic
C/I: Hypersens., Diab. ketoacid., diabet.
pre-coma. Ren. fail. ,ren,dysfunc, (CrCl<
60 ml/min) dehydr., sev. infec., shock.
Intravasc. admin. of iod. contrast ag. Acute/ chron. dis. which may cause
tissue hypox., (e.g: Card. fail.). Resp. fail.,
recent MI, Hep. impair. Acute alcohol
intox., alcoholism. Lact.
DPP-4 Inhibitor. Vildagliptin 50 mg. TABS: 7, 14, 28, 56.
Dosage must be indivi. ajust. for each pt.
Monotherpy: 50 mg x1 dly in the
morning or 50 mg x 2 dly (morn.,even.).
In combin. with other antidiabetics:
see lit. Max 100 mg dly, with/out food.
As adjunct to diet, exercise in type 2
diabetes mellitus: As monother. if diet,
exercise insuffic., or in combinat. with
metformin or sulfonylurea if tmt. with
these offers insuffic. control blood
glucose. As triple ther. in combinat. with
a sulphonylurea and metformin when
diet, exercise plus dual therapy do not
provide adequate glycaemic control.
Comb. use with insulin (with/ without
metformin) when diet, exercise plus a
stable dose of insulin do not provide
adequate glycaemic control. As an
adjunct to diet and exercise in pts. with
type 2 diabetes mellitus.In comb. with a
thiazolidinedione, in pts. with insuffic.
glycaemic control and for whom the use
of a thiazolidinedione is appropriate.
C/I: Hypesens.
Sulphonylurea. Glibenclamide 5 mg. TABS: 30, 100. The usual total dly.
dosage is 2.5 mg- 15 mg dly. with a
usual initial dose of 5 mg dly. Wkly.
adjust. can be made to incr. the dosage
to the opt. level. Doses of 10 mg or less
may be taken as a single dose immed.
before breakfast, but should the dly.
dose exceed 10mg, the remainder
should be taken immed. before the
even. meal. The elder. usual. require
lower dosage. See Lit. Second. dosage
adjust.: See Lit.
Control of hyperglycem. in stable, mild,
nonketosis prone Glibenclamide
responsive type II diabetes mell., which
cannot be proper dietary
manag.or when insulin ther. is
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with hist./present
diabetic ketoacidosis or diabetic coma/
precoma, pts. who have insulin-depend.
diabetes mell., serious impair. of renal,
hepatic or adrenocortical funct.
Circumstan. of unusual stress, e.g. surg.
operations , during preg., when dietary
measures and insulin are essential.
Pts. with sulphonylurea or
sulphonamide intoler., ‘Brittle’ or juvenile
diab., preg., breast feed. women, child.,
pts. treated with bosentan. See Lit.
Glycogenolytic Hormone. Glucagon (as HCl) 1 mg. SINGLE DOSE VIAL: 1 mg lyophylised
biosynthetic pwdr. plus a sterile
disposable syringe prefilled with 1 ml
diluent of sterile water. See Lit.
Tmt. severe hypoglycem. reacts which
may occur in manage. insulin treated pts.
with diabetes.
Sulphonylurea. Glipizide 5 mg. TABS: 30. Initial 1/2-1 tab dly. bef. breakf.
Adjust in increments of 2.5-5 mg. Max:
40 mg dly.
Maturity onset diabetes not manage. by
diet alone.
C/I: Diabet. ketoacidosis with/without
coma, hypersens.