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  • Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs)
    4 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    partial basket chart

    Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs). Abrocitinib 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg.
    FC tabs 50,100,200 mg X 14/28-30/91
    Start. dose 100 or 200 mg once dly based on ptt. character.:  start. dose of 100 mg once dly is recomm. for ptts. at higher risk  of venous thromboemb. (VTE), major adverse cardiovasc. event (MACE) and malign. If ptt. does not respond to 100 mg once daily, dose can be incr. to 200 mg once dly. Dose of 200 mg once dly may be appropr. for ptt.s who are not at higher risk of VTE, MACE and malign. with high dis. burden or for ptts. with an inadeq. respon. to 100 mg once dly. Upon dis. ctrol., dose should be decr. to 100 mg once dly. If dis. ctrol. is not maintain. after dose reduct., re-tmt. with 200 mg once dly. can be considered. Discontin. if no evid. of ther. benefit after 24 wks. Tmt. of moder.-to-sev. atopic dermatitis in adlts who are candid. for syst. ther.
    C/I:  Hypersens./Act. ser. syst. infect., incl. tuberculosis /Sev. hep. impairm. /Pregn. and breast-feeding.

    not in the basket chart

    Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs). Ritlecitinib 50 mg.
    Caps. 50 mg X 28
    One cap. dly.
    Tmt.  of sev. alopecia areata in adlts. and adolesc. 12 years and older.
    Limit. of Use: Not recomm. in combin. with other JAK inhib., biologic immunomodulat., cyclosporine or other potent immunosuppress.
      Hypersens. Act. ser. infect., incl. TB.
    Sev. hep. impairm. Pregn.,breast-feed.

    Eli Lilly
    partial basket chart

    Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs). Baricitinib 2 mg, 4 mg.
    F.C. TABS.: 28. 4 mg ×1/d. A dose of 2 mg×1/d. is approp. for pts. such as those aged ≥ 75 yrs. and may be approp. for pts. with a history of chron. or recur. infect. A dose of 2 mg×1/d may also be consid. for pts. who have achieved sustain. control of dis. active. with 4 mg×1/d and are eligible for dose tapering. Tmt. should not be initiat. in pts. with an absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) less than 0.5 x 109 cells/L, an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) less than 1 x 109 cells/L, or who have a haemoglobin value less than 8 g/dL. Tmt. may be initiat. once values have improv. above these limits. See lit.
    Tmt. of moder.- severe active RA in adult pts. who have responded inadequate. to, or who are intolerant to one or more dis.-modif. anti-rheum. drugs. May be used as monother. or in comb. with methotrexate.
    C/I: Hypersens. Preg.

    partial basket chart

    Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs). Tofacitinib 5 mg, 10 mg, XR 11 mg.
    FC Tabs: 28,60,180:, XR 14,30
    Rheumatoid arthritis:
    5 mg twice/d, or one XR tab. (11 mg)/d which should not be exceeded. No dose adjust. req. when used in comb. with methotrexate (MTX).
    For info. on switching between tofacitinib tab. and tofacitinib XR tab. see prescr. details.
    Psoriatic arthritis: 5 mg twice/d, which should not be exceeded.
    No dose adjust. req. when used in comb. with MTX.
    Ankylosing spondylitis:
    5 mg twice/ d.
    Ulcer. colitis –Induct. tmt.:
    10 mg twice/d for 8 weeks.
    For pts. who do not achieve adeq. therap. benefit by week 8, induct. dose can be extend. for an addit. 8 wks. (16 wks. total), followed by 5 mg twice/d for maint. Should be discont. in ptts. who show no evid. of therap. benef. by wk. 16.
    Ulcer. colitis –Mainten. tmt:
    5 mg twice/d.

    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) dosing as per ptt. weight:
    betw 10 and 20 kg: 3. 2 mg X 2 dly
    betw 20-40 kg: 4 mg X 2 dly
    more than 40 kg: 5 g X 2 dly. See prescript. details
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
    in comb. with MTX. for mod. to sev. active RA in adlt. pts. who have respond. inadeq. to, or who are intol. to one or more dis.-modif. antirheum. drugs (DMARDs). Can be given as monother. in case of intol. to MTX or when tmt. with MTX is inappropr.
    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
    in comb. with MTX for act. PsA in adlt. pts. who had an inadeq. respon. or had been intol. to a prior dis.-modif. antirheum. drug (DMARD) ther.

    Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
    for adlt. pts. with act. AS who have respond. inadeq. to convent. ther.
    Ulcerative colitis (UC)
    for adlt. pts. with moder. to seve. act. UC who had an inadeq. respon., lost respon., or were intol. to either convent. ther. or a biologic agent.
    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
    tmt. of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (rheumatoid factor positive [RF+] or negative [RF-] polyarthritis and extended oligoarthritis), and juvenile psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in patients 2 years of age and older, who have resp. inadeq. to prev. ther. with disease mod. antirheum. drugs (DMARDs).
    Tofacitinib can be given in combin. with methotrexate (MTX) or as monother. in case of intol. to MTX or where continued tmt. with MTX is inappropr.
    C/I: Hypersens • Active tuberc. (TB), serious infect. such as sepsis, or opportun. infect. • Severe hepatic impairm. • Pregn. and lactat.