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  • Abrocitinib
    1 Drug classified under this active ingredient

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    Janus Kinase Inhibitor (JAKs). Abrocitinib 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg.
    FC tabs 50,100,200 mg X 14/28-30/91
    Start. dose 100 or 200 mg once dly based on ptt. character.:  start. dose of 100 mg once dly is recomm. for ptts. at higher risk  of venous thromboemb. (VTE), major adverse cardiovasc. event (MACE) and malign. If ptt. does not respond to 100 mg once daily, dose can be incr. to 200 mg once dly. Dose of 200 mg once dly may be appropr. for ptt.s who are not at higher risk of VTE, MACE and malign. with high dis. burden or for ptts. with an inadeq. respon. to 100 mg once dly. Upon dis. ctrol., dose should be decr. to 100 mg once dly. If dis. ctrol. is not maintain. after dose reduct., re-tmt. with 200 mg once dly. can be considered. Discontin. if no evid. of ther. benefit after 24 wks. Tmt. of moder.-to-sev. atopic dermatitis in adlts who are candid. for syst. ther.
    C/I:  Hypersens./Act. ser. syst. infect., incl. tuberculosis /Sev. hep. impairm. /Pregn. and breast-feeding.