All the Drug Class Drugs
Anticholinergic agent. Ipratropium Bromide 0.25 mg/ml. Sol. for inhal. 20 ml X 0.25 mg/ml
Adlts and childr above 12 years of age: 0.1-0.5 mg (0.4-2.0 ml = 8-40 drops) up to 4 times /day.
Childr: 6-12 years: 0.25 mg (20 drops, meaning 1 ml) 3 to 4 times/day
Childr under 6 years of age: limited info. regarding this age group, dosage under medical supervision. A sgle. inhal. dose of 0.1-0.25mg (8-20 drops, meaning 0.4-1.0 ml). Dose may need to be dil. in normal saline to achieve a vol. suitable for the nebulizer. To be used at set intervals
Relief of sympt. of revers. bronchospasm assoc. with asthma, chron. bronchitis and emphysema . Of partic. benefit in relieving acute bronchospasm when used concom. with inhaled beta agonists.
C/I: Hypersens. to drug, atropine and deriv. or other ingred. in prep.
Anticholinergic agent. Atropine Sulphate 1 mg/ml. AMP. (sol. for IM, IV inj.): 5×1ml. Pre-anesthet. med.: Adults: 0.3-0.6 mg by IV inj. immed. before the anesthes. induct. or by IM inj. 30-60 min. before the induc.
Child.: 0.02 mg/kg (max. dose 0.6 mg).
Tmt. of sinus bradycard.: 0.3 and 1.0 mg IV.
Antidote in poison. by organophosphorus:
Adult.: 2 mg (IM or IV, taking into account the sever. of the poison.) every 5-10 min., until the skin becomes red and dry, the pupils dilate and tachycard. appears.
Child.: The 0.02 mg/kg.
Preanesthetic medication to decrease excessive salivation and secretions of the respiratory tract. Treatment of sinus bradycardia, particularly if complicated by hypotension.
Antidote in poisoning by organophosphorus.
C/I: Hypersens. Clos. ang. glauc., esophag. reflux, pyloric stenosis, GI obstruct., ulcerat. colit., prostat. hypertrophy, paralytic ileus, intest. atony.
Anticholinergic agent. Tolterodine Tartrate 2 mg, 4 mg. S.R. CAPS: 28. 4 mg dly. May lower to 2 mg dly. See lit.
For the tmt. of pts. with an overactive bladder with sympt. of urin. frequency, urgency, or urge incont.
C/I: Hypersens. to Tolterodin or to fesoterodine fumarate extend.-release tabs.
Pts. with urin. retent., gastric retent., uncontrol. narrow-ang. glauc.
Anticholinergic agent. Solifenacin Succinate 5 mg, 10 mg. TABS.: 30. 5 mg×1/d If needed, the dose
may be incr. to 10 mg ×1/d not intend.
for child. and adolesc. under 18 yrs. of
Sympt. tmt. of urge incontin. and/or incr.
urin. freq. and urgency as may occur in pts.
with overactive bladder synd.
C/I: Hypersens. Urin. reten. Severe GI
disor. (toxic megacolon, gastric ulc.),
severe muscle weak. (myasthenia gravis),
glauc. (narrow ang.) or are at risk for these
conditions. Sev. liver fail. Sev. kidney fail.
that requires dialysis. Pts. with sev. kidney
/liver fail. that are concom. being treated
with medicines that affect drug elim. (e.g.,
Anticholinergic agent. Trospium Chloride 15 mg, 30 mg. TABS: 30, 100. 30 mg in morn. (and 15
mg in even. if reqd.).
Veg. bladder dysfunct., urge and reflex.
Anticholinergic agent. Trospium Chloride 20 mg. F.C. TABS: 30. See lit.
Sympt. tmt. of urge incont./incr. urin.
freq., urge. in pts with overact. bladder
(idiopath./neurolog. detrusor over
C/I: Hypersens.. urin. retent., severe GI
cond (incl. tox. megacolon), myasthen.
grav. narrow-angle glaucoma,