All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Anticholinergic. Ipratropium Bromide 0.25 mg/ml. SOLN: (with dropper): 20 ml x 0.25 mg/
ml (20 drops). Adults: 0.1-0.5 mg (8-40
drops) up to 4 x dly. Child. 6-12 Yrs.: 0.25mg (20 drops, i.e., 1 ml) 3 - 4 times dly. Child. < 6 yrs of age: the follow. dose schedule should only be given under regular med. supervision:The single inhaled dose is 0.1 - 0.25 mg , (8-20 drops, i.e.: 0.4-1.0 ml) the dose may need to be diluted (only normal saline ) in order to obtain a final volume suitable for the nebulizer being used.
Relief sympts. reversible bronchosp. assoc.
with asth., chron. bronchit., emphysema,
concomitant. with inhaled β-agonists.
C/I: Known hypersens. to drug, to
atropine and its derivs., or to any other
ingred. in prep.
Anticholinergic agent. Ipratropium Bromide 0.25 mg/ml. Sol. for inhal. 20 ml X 0.25 mg/ml
Adlts and childr above 12 years of age: 0.1-0.5 mg (0.4-2.0 ml = 8-40 drops) up to 4 times /day.
Childr: 6-12 years: 0.25 mg (20 drops, meaning 1 ml) 3 to 4 times/day
Childr under 6 years of age: limited info. regarding this age group, dosage under medical supervision. A sgle. inhal. dose of 0.1-0.25mg (8-20 drops, meaning 0.4-1.0 ml). Dose may need to be dil. in normal saline to achieve a vol. suitable for the nebulizer. To be used at set intervals
Relief of sympt. of revers. bronchospasm assoc. with asthma, chron. bronchitis and emphysema . Of partic. benefit in relieving acute bronchospasm when used concom. with inhaled beta agonists.
C/I: Hypersens. to drug, atropine and deriv. or other ingred. in prep.
Anticholinergic. Ipratropium Bromide 0.02 mg. VIAL + MOUTHPIECE: 10 ml (200
metered doses): 1-2 puffs 4 x dly. Not to exceed 12 inhals. in 24 hrs. Child: 6-12 yrs: 1-2 puffs 3 x dly. same recommendations are the for child. <6 years of age.See lit.
Relief sympts. reversible bronchosp. assoc.
with asth., chron. bronchit., and
C/I: Known hypersens. to drug, to
atropine and its derivs., or to any other
ingred. in prep.
Anticholinergic, Sympathomimetic. Ipratropium Bromide 0.6 mg/ml, Xylometazoline HCl 0.5 mg/ml. METERED DOSE NASAL SPRAY: 10 ml.
Adults > 18 yrs: 1 spray 3 x dly, min. 6 hrs
between doses.
Dual tmt: Rapid relief nasal congest. aft.
5-10 mins, reduct. runny nose secret
within 15 mins.
C/I: Hypersens.