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  • Atropine Sulphate
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Atropine Sulphate
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    Atropine Sulphate

    Antispasmodic. Atropine Sulphate 1 mg/ml, 20 mg / 10 ml.
    AMPS: 100. 0.4-0.10 mg by I.V. or I.M.
    inject. Complete atropiniz. dose: 2mg I.V.
    Relax. of spastic GI tract (e.g. pylorospasm),
    biliary and GU tracts; reduct. of salivat. and
    bronchial secret. combat CNS and periph.
    toxic effects; suppress vagally-mediated

    Atropine Sulphate S.A.L.F 1mg/ml
    Raz Pharmaceutics
    not in the basket chart
    Atropine Sulphate S.A.L.F 1mg/ml

    Anticholinergic agent. Atropine Sulphate 1 mg/ml.
    AMP. (sol. for IM, IV inj.): 5×1ml. Pre-anesthet. med.: Adults: 0.3-0.6 mg by IV inj. immed. before the anesthes. induct. or by IM inj. 30-60 min. before the induc.
    Child.: 0.02 mg/kg (max. dose 0.6 mg).
    Tmt. of sinus bradycard.: 0.3 and 1.0 mg IV.
    Antidote in poison. by organophosphorus:
    Adult.: 2 mg (IM or IV, taking into account the sever. of the poison.) every 5-10 min., until the skin becomes red and dry, the pupils dilate and tachycard. appears.
    Child.: The 0.02 mg/kg.
    Preanesthetic medication to decrease excessive salivation and secretions of the respiratory tract. Treatment of sinus bradycardia, particularly if complicated by hypotension.
    Antidote in poisoning by organophosphorus.
    C/I: Hypersens. Clos. ang. glauc., esophag. reflux, pyloric stenosis, GI obstruct., ulcerat. colit., prostat. hypertrophy, paralytic ileus, intest. atony.

    Dr. Fischer
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    Anticholinergic. Atropine Sulphate 1%.
    EYE DROPS: 15 cc. 1-2 drops as reqd.
    Mydriatic, cycloplegic.
    C/I: Narrow angle glaucoma.

    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Analgesic, Antipyretic, Antispasmodic. Atropine Sulphate 0.4 mg, Codeine Phosphate 10 mg, Papaverine (HCl) 80 mg, Paracetamol 150 mg.
    TABS: 30. 1-2 tabs. 3 x dly. Child: 6-12
    yrs: 1/2 adult dose.
    Spastic. and painful conds. gastro-intest,
    urin., biliary tracts.