All the Drug Class Drugs
Anthracycline. Doxorubicin (HCl) 2 mg/ml. I.V. INFUS. (liposome inject.): 1. Ovarian
cancer: 50 mg/m2 I.V at initial rate of 1
mg/min. Incr. rate if no infus. related
AE’s observed over 1 hr., every 4 wks.
for as long as pt. does not progress,
shows no signs cardiotox. and cont. tol.
to tmt. 4 courses recommend. See lit.
AIDS KS: 20 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 mins.
once every 3 wks as long as pt.
tolerates and responds.
Monother. in metastat. breast cancer,
where there is incr. cardiac risk. 1st or 2nd
line ther. of AIDS-related Kaposis sarcoma in pts. with low cd 4 counts and extens. mucocutan. or visc. dis. Tmt. of pts with metastat. carcinoma of the ovary who are refract. to both paclitaxel and platinumbased chemother. regimens and who may also be refract. to topotecan. Refract. is defined as a pt. having progress. dis. while on tmt., or within 6 mths of completing tmt.
Anthracycline. Doxorubicin HCl 2 mg/ml. VIALS (sol. for inject.): 25 ml, 100 ml.
Recommend. total dose: 550 mg/m² I.V.
See lit. Recommend. schedule: 60-75
mg/m² as single I.V. at 21-day intervals.
See lit.
To produce regress. in dissem. neoplastic
conds. e.g. acute lymphoblast. leuk., acute
myeloblast. leuk., Wilms’ tumor, nblast.,
soft tissue/bone sarc., carc. breast, ovary,
transient cell bladder carc., thyroid carc.,
lymph of both Hodgkin’s and non-
Hodgkin’s bronchogen. carc., gastr. carc.
Anthracycline. Epirubicin HCl 2 mg/ml. VIALS: 1 x 10 mg/5ml; 1 x 50 mg/25 ml, 1
x 100 mg/50 ml. I.V./intravesical use:
Adjust accord. indicat., age, gen. cond.,
card./hepat. funct., concurr.
chemother., blood counts. See lit.
Tmt. wide spectrum neoplast. dis., incl:
breast, lung (high doses), ovarian, gastric,
soft tissue, intravesical admin. for fic.
bladder carcinomas and in proph. recur.
transurethral resect. I.V. admin: Advanced
bladder carcinoma.
C/I: Hypersens. to epirubicin, other
anthracyclines/anthracenediones, bone
marrow depress., pre/exist./acute card.
insuffic., buccal ulcerat., pregn., lact.
See lit.
Anthracycline. Epirubicin HCl 2 mg/ml. VIALS (sol. for inject.): 5 x 5 ml, 10 ml, 25
ml, 50 ml, 100 ml. I.V./intravesical:
Adjust accord. indicat., age, gen. cond., card/hepat. funct., concurr.
chemother., blood counts. See lit.
Tmt. wide spectrum neoplast. dis., incl.
breast carc., lung carc. high doses, ovarian
carc., gastric carc., soft tissue sarcoma.
Intravesical admin. found benefic. tmt. fic.
bladder carc., prophylax. recurr. aft.
transurethral resect. I.V. admin tmt.
advanced bladder carc.
C/I: By I.V. route: Known hypersens.
Severe bone marrow depress. follow.
prev. chemother./ radiother. Pts already
treated with anthracyclines such as
doxorubicin/ daunorubicin up to
relevant max. cumulative dose. Acute
infects., existing inflamm. of buccal/GI
mucosa. Progress. heart fail., arrhythm.,
conduct. disords. with serious
hemodynam. effects, acute inflamm.
myocard. conds., unstable ang. pect.,
acute MI/within 6 mths, cardiomyopath.
By intravesical route: Tmt. of invasive
tumors penetrating bladder wall.
Anthracycline. Mitoxantrone HCl 2 mg/ml. VIALS: 1. I.V. infus. Adjust accord.
indicat., general cond., blood counts.
See lit.
Chemother. advanced breast cancer, non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, adult acute nonlymphocyt.
leukemia, palliation of nonresect.
prim. hepatocell. carcinoma. In
combin. with corticosteroids: As initial
chemother. for tmt of pts with pain related
to advanced hormone-refract. prost.
cancer. Reduc. neurologic disability and/
or freq. of clinical relapses in pts with
second. (chron.) progress., progressrelapsing,
or worsen. relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis (i.e. pts whose
neurologic status is significantly abnormal
between relapses) for ages 18-55 yrs only.
Not indicated in tmt of pts with prim.
progress. multiple sclerosis.
C/I: Hypersens., bone marrow depress.,
pregn., lact. Not for intrathecal use.